غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان

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Muslim child jurisprudence

Description of washing and tayammum for children

Cleanliness comes out from faith and this is the slogan of Islam, which urged us to purify and obligated us to perform ablution for prayer, as well as washing and tayammum and we will learn together my loved ones about the Description of washing and tayammum for children and tayammum with sands only happens if […]

Description of washing and tayammum for children Read More »

Muslim child’s jurisprudence .. The door of purity

Purity is cleanliness from dirt and germs, it is the process of beautifying the appearance and body, we will get to know Muslim child’s jurisprudence.. The door of purity and all the pillars related to it, why we purify and how, we will present to you a comprehensive, brief and integrated encyclopedia of purity for

Muslim child’s jurisprudence .. The door of purity Read More »

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