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30 Day Challenge for child behavior modification plan

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30 Day Challenge for child behavior modification plan

Screenshot 2023-05-27 075938
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The development of a plan to modify behavior for the child is a plan through which the steps that must be followed in order to modify a certain behavior are determined and one of the goals of this plan is to achieve positive change in behavior and improve the results that are related to this matter and the success of any plan for behavior modification depends on the order of goals and steps to achieve them, we will explain in this article the challenge of 30 days plan to modify behavior and all the ways in which any improper behavior can be controlled.

How to make a 30-day of behavior modification plan challenge

Some steps must be followed in order to make a 30-day of behavior modification plan challenge and these steps are as follows:

  • Determine the target behavior and that is the behavior that the individual wants to modify such as whining, yelling, hesitating, not adhering to instructions, or crying permanently.
  • Definition of target behavior This means determining what the behavior is accurately so that it is very clear to everyone, whether for parents or the child, and this matter is measurable, it is possible to say “I want the child to sit for a quarter of an hour without being distracted” instead of the phrase “I want the child to be attentive.”
  • Measuring the target behavior is done by following up on how many times the behavior occurred, whether in a day, week or month and this will help to know the progress of the child in the process of behavior modification.
  • Behavior analysis is the process of determining why the target behavior occurs, whether it happens in order to achieve something.
  • Designing a treatment plan, based on the results reached through the functional analysis of the behavior and in the event that there is a behavior that occurred in order to get attention, it is possible that positive neglect is used, that is, ignoring this behavior and not dealing with it until the child stops this work.
  • Implement the treatment plan appropriately so that the desired goals of the plan can be reached.
  • Evaluation of the treatment plan In order to evaluate the 30-day behavior modification plan challenge.

Tips for making a 30-day challenge of behavior modification plan

There are a number of tips to follow in order to help make a 30-day challenge plan to effectively modify behavior, and they are as follows:

  • Setting goals in a specific and realistic manner, and setting a time target in order to achieve them. 
  • Determine the necessary steps in order to achieve the desired goal, and they are arranged in an organized and logical manner.
  • Determine the reward that will be received when the goal is achieved.
  • Commit to performing all the steps that are selected, and the schedule is always used to help with this.
  • The progress process in the implementation of the plan is evaluated, and adjusted if needed.
  • Help can be sought from close people in order to increase the chance of the plan succeeding.
30 Day Challenge for child behavior modification plan

Example of a 30-day of behavior modification plan challenge

We will show an example of a 30-day of behavior modification plan challenge so that everyone is aware of this, the example is as follows:

  • Target behavior: The baby cries permanently if any request is rejected.
  • Definition of target behavior: It is the crying of the child for 15 minutes when his request is not carried out.
  • Target behavior measurement: Crying occurrences per day are recorded.
  • Functional analysis of behavior: crying is caused in order to get the attention of parents.
  • Treatment plan: The treatment plan is developed either to provide a reward to the child in the event that he stops crying by hugging, praising or playing with him and the second plan is to ignore his crying and not deal with him until he stops what he is doing.

Behavior Modification Programs

There are a number of programs that are followed in order to modify behavior, which comes within the challenge of 30 days plan for behavior modification, which is considered as a number of methods for behavior modification and these programs vary according to the age, circumstances surrounding the individual, abilities and type of target behavior, and these programs are as follows:

  • Develop the desired behavior by offering some rewards for doing this behavior.
  • Punishment in the event of unwanted behavior, but not excessively punished.
  • Learn behavior by watching the behavior of others and start imitating them.
  • Behavioral therapy, which relies on changing the emotions that cause unwanted behavior.

Behavior modification plan and promotion rewards programs

There are some programs through which rewards are offered in order to strengthen the behavior modification plan in agreement with the child and he is convinced that there are rewards if the plan is implemented well, there are two plans for this program which are the points accumulation plan and the behavior table.

Points Accumulation Plan

  • This plan is done by making a list of each behavior between 1 and 25.
  • The behavior to be changed can be set as high points such as 10 points to help with the cleaning process after eating, 5 points to make the bed and 20 points to wake up early.
  • Some points are deducted for the child’s negative behaviors, such as refusing to do homework or getting poor grades in school.
  • The size of the bonus must be proportional to the number of points offered to the child, i.e. the child’s sleep outside the home costs 35 points to be deducted.
  • Low values must be set for each reward so that the child can receive a reward each day.
  • Care must be taken to develop positive behavior immediately after the child does its job and it is not postponed, so points must be deducted in case of negative behavior immediately after.
30 Day Challenge for child behavior modification plan

Behavior modification schedule

  • This idea is similar to the idea of accumulating points, but here no value is assigned to each behavior it performs, as a star is placed in front of each behavior that has been modified.
  • The number of stars that a child needs to receive in order to receive a reward is determined in the end, and if he gets five stars, this enables him to watch TV for an additional hour or go out for a walk.

Types of behavior modification

There are two basic types of behavior modification, which are as follows:

  • Modifying negative behavior is summarized in punishing in the event of any improper behavior.
  • Positive behavior modification is specific to the use of reinforcement in order to increase the desired behavior.

Modifying the behavior of the stubborn child

There are some methods and methods that are used in order to modify the child’s stubborn behavior and the success of the 30-day behavior modification plan challenge, which are as follows:

  • Implement rules which set consistently aren’t given up any way.
  • Set limits for the child and let him know what is or is not allowed to do.
  • Identify some specific options for the child in order to be aware that he has the ability to control.
  • Stay away from any corporal punishment which may cause the problem to increase.
  • Give the child praise in case of behaving well.

Tips in the 30 day challenge of behavior modification plan for a stubborn child

30 Day Challenge for child behavior modification plan

There are some tips to follow in order to succeed in the 30-day challenge of behavior modification plan for a stubborn child, which are as follows:

  • Patience, perseverance and the expectation of some setbacks in the behavior modification process.
  • Seek cooperation from a family member in order to provide support.
  • Consult some mental health professionals for tips to modify the child’s stubborn behavior.

Elements of the 30-day challenge of Behavior modification plan for the child

There are some elements included in the 30 Day Challenge Behavior Modification Plan for the child, which are as follows:

  • Analyze the behavior that the child must modify.
  • Identify the desired goals in the behavior that the adjustment plan aims at, as well as the specific goal for the child to be achieved.
  • Behavior modification strategies, which are positive motivation as well as appropriate penalties.
  • Monitor the progress process and effectiveness of the plan over time.
  • Identify the additional resources that the child or family needs in order to successfully modify behavior.

Signs related to the need of modifying behavior

There is a frequently asked question is when to modify behavior, or what are the signs through which it is possible to ensure the need to modify behavior and start making a 30-day plan challenge to modify behavior and these signs are as follows:

  • Inability or difficulty in interacting with others in the community.
  • Eating or sleep disturbance.
  • Using repetitive behavior that causes harm to the child or other people.
  • Low level of the child in the academic or practical field.
  • Failure to implement the rules and instructions of school, home or work in the case of adults.

You can seek the help of group of specialists in modifying the behavior of your son in any different ages, for more inquiries from here.

Methods of modifying aggressive behavior in children

There are some methods and methods that can be used in the event that there is aggressive behavior in the child as one of the methods of challenging 30 days plan to modify behavior and these methods are as follows:

  • Encourage the child to provide him with rewards in order to strengthen positive behavior, for example, to offer a reward to the child if he is able to solve problems calmly or behave well.
  • Teach the child how to deal with his anger well, which consists in thinking about anything before doing it as well as deep breathing.
  • Clarify the rules that must be adhered to, as well as the consequences that will occur in the event of a defect in the rules.
  • Persistence in the principle of applying the punishment, but must first maintain the main goal, which is to change the child’s behavior first before starting to reproach.
  • Analyze the behavior and find out the causes of this aggressive behavior and look for some alternative ways in order to implement these needs in good ways.
  • Guide the child and teach him many new skills to interact with others in a healthy way.
  • Provide additional support to the child and help him socially, where he can be advised by teachers or consult mental health specialists.
  • Patience in modifying the behavior of the child, especially the four-year-old, and choosing the appropriate methods for this age and the level of mental development for him.
  • Flexibility in adjusting the strategy, according to the child’s response and changing circumstances, and it must be known that the main goal is to strengthen healthy development and improve the relationship between the child and others around him.

You can also read about: Instilling values and behavior modification for the child.

Behavior modification skills for a 4-year-old child

A four-year-old child has special treatment when wanting to modify his behavior, and this requires a number of strategies and skills for making a 30-day challenge behavior modification plan that is appropriate to his level of development and these skills are as follows:

  • Communicate with the child appropriately and effectively, talk to him in an understandable and clear language, use facial expressions and body language can be used to deliver messages in a distinctive way.
  • Help the child express his feelings correctly, and this is evident in staying away from violence and using words instead.
  • Forming a positive model for the child makes him deal well, so that he has the ability to face any matter in a typical way.
  • Strengthen positive behavior by encouraging the child or using some rewards in order to strengthen his positive behavior.
  • Clearly define all rules, and do not waive the imposition of sanctions if needed.
  • Respond to any inappropriate behavior in a good way in order to change the behavior.
  • Encourage the child to cooperate with others, participate with them in any activities, and wait for his turn in case of speaking.
  • Strengthen the child’s self-confidence, help him and encourage him to achieve the goals he feels.
  • Dealing with the child calmly in order to guide him to do good behavior without any punishment.
  • Support from all friends and family in order to help the child overcome bad methods.
30 Day Challenge for child behavior modification plan

Educational methods in behavior modification

There are some educational methods that must be followed with the child in the event of the desire to modify his behavior and direct him to make good methods, these methods can be used in the 30-day challenge plan to modify behavior, which are as follows:

  • Don’t scold the child in front of his friends or in front of anyone else.
  • Direct guidance for the child.
  • Telling stories to child that concern behavior in general in proportion to the age of the child so that he can understand it and receive information well. Giving the child a lot of attention and love, because not presenting these emotions makes him act unacceptable.
  • In the event that the child does unacceptable behavior, it can be ignored and this leads to the child being calm even for a short time, this is evident in ignoring the child who cries heavily until it is completely over.
  • Dialogue with the child and clarify the unacceptable behavior that he has done, listening to his point of view may have some solutions to come up with a distinctive solution in this matter, the dialogue is positive and the use of good words and stay away from nervousness or any bad word or a negative word that causes inconvenience to him, but in the event that the child is one of those who try to argue and inappropriate responses, in this case the dialogue must end firmly.
  • Stay away from anything that provokes negative behavior in the child, in the event that the child quarrels with one of the neighbors’ sons, he is simply prevented from playing with him, and not punished and thus the problem has been radically eliminated.
  • Start teaching the child alternative behavior and the role of the mother comes in this matter, where he must be taught to ask anything he wants politely, for example, saying thank you to the person or please him.
  • The child can be motivated to do good behavior through the score board, through which a reward is given at the end of the table, and the reward does not need to be a material reward.
  • End up with hugging the child until he knows that he has done something wrong and begins to apologize because scolding the child for any behavior he does is not the solution to the problem, as the child still feels guilty all the time.

In this article, we explained the challenge of 30 days behavior modification plan, through which any unwanted behavior carried out by the child was controlled, and we also explained all the educational and educational methods that must be followed in order to modify behavior and some skills that must be acquired for the person who issues incorrect methods to overcome his problems, as well as the behavior modification plan with all its elements and the signs that appear on the person indicate that improper behavior must be dealt with.

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