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Causes of Falah in life and Hereafter

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Causes of Falah in life and Hereafter

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Falah in life and the hereafter is one of the keys to happiness that everyone seeks. We will learn about the causes of Falah in life and hereafter that every wise believer strives to achieve, taking them from the revelation and the Sunnah. in this article we will introduce to you every thing related to causes of Falah in life and hereafter.

Causes of Falah in life and Hereafter

Falah is a comprehensive concept that encompasses every aspect of human life, whether it be in education, work, social, marital life and all other aspects of life. This is achieved by being close to Allah and following the Sunnah of His Prophet, so that one may attain happiness in both worlds and success in this life by achieving their goals, as well as success in the Hereafter by entering Paradise.

The meaning of Falah

Al-Falah is a synonym for success and reaching the desired goal.

A person who achieves his goals is considered “Falah” or successful.

Imam Al-Munawi defined “Al-Falah” as “winning the ultimate goal in both worlds”, meaning achieving goals in the life and hereafter.

Sheikh Al-Sa’di said that “Al-Falah” is a comprehensive term that encompasses obtaining every desired, beloved thing and being safe from every feared danger.

Categories of Falah

Al-Falah is divided into two categories:

Dunyaawi “Al-Falah”: which means achieving happiness, success, whether it be in education, work, wealth, honor, health….all in life”

Akhrawi “Al-Falah”: means attaining Paradise and blessings of Hereafter.

where there is richness without poverty, honor without humiliation, eternal life without death and knowledge without ignorance.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “O Allah, there is no life except the life of the Hereafter.

Causes of Falah in life and Hereafter

“come to prayer, come to Falah”, a call that we hear five times a day.

Upon contemplation, prayer and being close to Allah are the most important causes of Falah in life and hereafter.

If you want to succeed in your studies, work and achieve all that you desire, then you must perform your prayers.

Also prayer is the bond between the servant and his Lord. and it is the covenant that distinguishes between Islam and disbelief.

It is the means of achieving success in the hereafter by entering the gardens of bliss.

You can also read about: The concept of Falah in Holy Quran.

Causes of Falah in life and Hereafter

Foundations of Falah as mentioned in the Sunnah

The Sunnah of the Prophet has explained the characteristics and qualities of those who achieve Falah or success in this life and the hereafter. The most important foundations are:

Islam: Guiding towards the Islamic religion is one of the most important causes of achieving success and happiness in both worlds. The prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “who gets in Islam will be successful.”

Sufficiency and Contentment: The Prophet said: “who gets in Islam will be successful and will be provided with sufficient livelihood and contentment has indeed been achieved by Allah.”

Being close to Allah the Almighty, performing prayer on time, doing good deeds and staying away from sins and vices.

How does Islam be one of foundations for Falah in life and the hereafter?

  • Islam is the reason for a person to enter Paradise and be saved from Hellfire, as Allah says in Quran: “So whoever turns away from the Fire and enters Paradise has indeed succeeded.”
  • No religion will be accepted by Allah except Islam, as Allah says: “Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.”
  • Islam is the greatest and highest of all religions and it is the completion of all previous religions. It is the religion of all prophets and the seal of prophethood.
  • Islam is the religion of fitrah, which means that it is the natural religion of man kind. It frees people from worshipping other people and directs them towards worshipping the Lord of the universe.
  • All of the laws and teachings of Islam bring comfort and peace of mind to people.

In conclusion, the foundations of Falah in life and hereafter are guidance to the true religion, performing prayer on time, fulfilling religious obligations and doing good deeds, and being content with the provisions that Allah has given to you.

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