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The easiest way to memorize Holy Quran using Jeras app

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The easiest way to memorize Holy Quran using Jeras app

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Memorizing Quran is not difficult to achieve, anyone can memorize it in a short time as long as he wants to, but there are several conditions for memorizing the Quran, which must be followed by those who wish to memorize the Book of God, so that he can understand and memorize it easily without facing any obstacles or difficulties, we will offer you the easiest way to memorize Holy Quran using Jeras app, which helps to memorize perfectly while also taking the reward, especially those who find it difficult to memorize.

The easiest way to memorize Holy Quran using Jeras app

Memorizing Holy Quran is a dream for every Muslim, but he finds some difficulties facing him at the beginning of memorization such as, the difficulty in memorization some surahs or other problems of weak willing or old age where the mind is less received and memorized than the young, so there are tips that you must follow well to complete the memorization of Quran in a short time.

Start memorizing with easy surahs

Some prefer to start memorizing from the beginning of Quran, but may have some troubles as there are many difficult and long surahs.

Despite the ease of Surat Al-Baqarah, but he may find it difficult later, and it is better to start by shortening the surahs from the end of the Qur’an.

Memorization begins from Surat Al-Nas, until Quran gets used to memorize and penetrates deep in his soul and heart.

This also makes it easier for him to memorize the long surahs later and doesn’t have weak willing which pushes him to stop from continuing.

Verses interpretation

Knowing the meanings of the verses and interpreting Holy Quran makes it much easier for you to memorize.

A person who teaches the interpretation of Quran, memorizes faster than a person who memorizes without knowing the interpretation or the meanings of the words.

Knowledge of interpretation is one of the most important conditions for memorizing Holy Quran for adults.

Listen to Quran constantly

The easiest way to memorize Holy Quran using Jeras app

One of the most helpful things about memorizing Quran is listening to it repeatedly.

Some people say that they played Quran all the time and at once they decided to memorize Quran.

As soon as they began to memorize, they had found themselves already memorizing many surahs unintentionally, so listening is useful in memorization.

The memorizer can repeat the listening to the part that he is memorizing or has memorized.

You can also read about: Which is better starting to memorize Quran with surah Al-Nas or surah Al-Baqarah?

Repetition of verses

If you find it difficult to memorize Quran, repeat the verses, this method is very useful with the elderly.

Repeat the verse five times or until you memorize it completely, then memorize the next verse and repeat it, then repeat the two verses togther and so on.

Recitation of what you did memorize

You can get someone and recite what you already memorized read in absence, or record them on the phone and then review your mistakes.

This is step you should do and it’s effective way to memorize Holy Quran.

Recitation of what you have memorized in Naafila and prayer

One of the things that helps to memorize Quran by reciting in prayer.

Let this be in naafila and the night prayer, you will notice a big difference in memorizing Quran easily.

In the end, in order not to be discouraged and lose your determination, you can enroll in one of the schools of Holy Quran and seek the help of good companionship that helps you and takes your hand in memorizing Quran.

You can communicate with the best Quran memorizers online through jeras app from here.



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