Today we will learn about the etiquettes of eating and drinking for children as teaching behaviors and etiquettes to children is not easy, but it is not difficult too, but it needs to be repeated as the nature of children is always forgetting, as well as they are directed by kindness, softness and actions cause actions often speak louder than words.
Etiquettes of eating and drinking for children
The jurisprudence of food is one of the most important Islamic etiquettes that we must teach our children about, as its known that learning in childhood is like engraving on stone.
Whoever grows up on something when he’s young he got used to do it, don’t say my child is still young to understand this.
But start with him using kindness, softness and love, and apply eating behaviors and etiquettes in front of your child to do the same and imitate you.
The Sunnah of the Prophet urged the need to adhere the commitment of the etiquette of eating, and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gently advised the boys.
He said, “O boy, say bismallah, eat with your right hand and eat what is beside you.”
The Prophet ( peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), did not mock the way the boy ate, nor rebuked him.
He advised and guided him with kindness, softness and love and taught him how to eat in an appropriate way without hurting him or shouting at him.
we must work on how we build up the child’s ethics in all parts of life and childhood behaviors.
What are the etiquettes of food and drink?
Among the etiquettes of eating and drinking for children and adults as well, as explained in the Sunnah of the Prophet, which are as follows:
- Wash hands before and after eating.
- Basmalla: He must say (In the name of Allah) before starting to eat and not to forget that then if you did this say (In the name of Allah first and last).
- Al-Hamad: say (praises to Allah) after finishing the food.
- Eating with the right hand: We must also eat with our right hand not with the left, because the devil eats with the left hand so that we do not imitate him.
- Eating from the following: He should eat from his own plate or only from the following.
- Sitting: He should not eat while reclining.
- Non-reproach: It is not permissible to reproach the food, if you like it, eat it, and if you do not like it, you can leave it without reproaching it.
- Harm prevention: If a morsel or food falls from you, wipe it and remove harm from it, say bimallah and eat it.
- Three fingers: Use only three fingers when you eat and do not use your full hand or five fingers!.
- Sides of the dish: Do not eat from the center of the plate but from dish’s sides and in front of you, so that barkah does not disappear from it.
- silence is hated: Silence on food is completely similar to the Magos, so you should talk while eating with a little bit with nice words and not gossip.
Drink etiquettes for children
There are several drink etiquettes that must be taught to the child, and they are as follows:

- Saying bismallah before drinking, and saying (Praises be to Allah) after completion.
- The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) prevented drinking while you stand although it is permissible, but it is preferable to drink while sitting.
- It is not permissible to blow the drink to cool, but if it is hot, leave it to cool by its own.
- Not breathing while drinking.
- Do not drink from the mouth of the pot, but it is recommended to drink in a cup or glass.
- If there is a group who will drink, it is advisable to start with the right (i.e. the person sitting on the right is the one who starts drinking).
What is the food dua?
Now after we knew the etiquettes of eating and drinking for children, we will know the dua of food.
As we have known, we must say the name of Allah before we start eating, and we say: “Bismallah.”
We must also praise Allah and thank Him for His blasts at the end of the meal and we say, “Praises be to Allah.”
There are many dua that have been received from the Sunnah that we say after finishing eating, and they are as follows:
- The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Praises be to Allah who fed me this and provided it with helplessness.”
- And his saying: “Praises be to Allah who fed, watered and made us Muslims.”
- And also: “Praises be to Allah who fed, watered, justified food and made a way out from it.”
Here we reach the conclusion and learned with you about the etiquettes of eating and drinking for children, which can be summarized in several simple behaviors start with washing hands, basmalla, praises be to God and eating from the following also taking in mind the need for repetition in order to make children learn.