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The generosity of Al-Laith bin Saad

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The generosity of Al-Laith bin Saad

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My dear children, today we will talk about the story named ( the generosity of Al-Laith bin Saad ) with people, his guests, and scholars and how he was generous, great giver and because of what Allah gave it to him, he doesn’t skimp for anyone, as Al- Laith bin Saad was rich and owned a lot of land in addition he was generous in fulfilling people’s needs.

Who is Al-Laith bin Saad?

Sheikh of Islam, Imam al-Hafiz, the scientist Abu Al-Harith, Al-Laith bin Saad bin Abd al-Rahman Al-Fahmi Al-Qalqashandi (94 AH/713 AD – 175 AH/791 AD), he was a jurist, spokesman, imam of Egypt’s people in his time and the author of one of the extinct Islamic schools. He was born in a village named Qalqshanda located in south of Egypt and his family is of Persian origin from Asfahan.

The generosity of Al-Laith bin Saad

Al-Laith bin Saad was rich and owned a lot of land, he sat every day to fulfill people’s needs.

No one asks him anything unless he gives it and he never reject a questioner, whether his request is big or small.

He gave charity to 300 poor people every day.

One of the morals and severity of Al- Laith bin Saad is that he did not eat lunch or dinner except with people, he was eating with them and feed them from the most delicious and tasty food.

The story of Al-Laith with the woman and honey

One of the proofs of the generosity of Al- Laith bin Saad is when a woman came to him one day.

She told him “My son is sick and he is craving honey.”

Laith ordered his servant to give the woman a large bowl of honey.

He said: “I asked for her capability and we gave her to the extent of our capacity.”

That is, we asked for her capability and we gave her on our capacity.

You can also read: The story of Bishr bin Al-Harith’s repentance

Al-Laith bin Saad and Honoring the Scholars

Among the evidence of Al- Laith bin Saad’s generosity with the scholars are so many for example:

One day all the books of Abdullah bin Lohiaa were burned, he was a great scholar, so Al-Laith bin Saad sent him a thousand dinar (one dinar at that time was weighing about 4.25 grams of gold at the present time).

He gave Imam Malik bin Anas a thousand dinar.

He also gave Mansour bin Ammar the preacher and his servant a thousand dinar.

Every year he sent 100 dinar to Malik, once Malik wrote to him: “I’m on a debt” and Al-Laith sent him 500 dinar.

The generosity of Al-Laith bin Saad

Al-Laith and his guests

Al-Laith was very generous with his guests, so when he traveled he would take three ships with him.

A ship for his family, a ship for his kitchen, and a ship for his guests.

May Allah have mercy on a man who has grace if he sell something

Some people bought fruits from Al-Laith bin Saad, they thought fruits were expensive and .they retreated from buying them.

He agreed with them and then gave fifty dinar to them, his son Al-Harith asked him about it!

He said: “O Allah, I seek forgiveness, they hoped for us (i.e., they thought good in us and they wished that our fruits would be better) so I would like to compensate them for their hope with this.”

Whoever does you a favor, reward him

Al-Laith went out to Hajj once and came to Medina, Malik bin Anas sent him a plate of wet dates.

When Al-Laith returned the dish back to Malik, he put a thousand dinar on it and returned it to him.

Lessons learned from the story of Al-Laith bin Saad’s generosity

  • Generosity and not reject anyone’s need.
  • Flexibility in buying and selling.
  • Reward giving for anyone does a favor to you.

In stories there is always a lesson, which we obtain values from in addition instilling values is the way of good education.

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