غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


Islamic values for children


Islamic values for children

قيم إسلامية للأطفال

Currently living in a world full of change and complexity, but parents in the Islamic world are always keen to raise their children on good values, because these children are the men of the future who will bear the leadership of the Islamic society in the near future, therefore there are good values that must be instilled within them in order to obtain a society capable of progress, advancement and competition with advanced societies, we will explain in this article about the Islamic values for children that they must adhere to for them and their success.

What are the Islamic values for children?

  • Islamic values for children are considered as moral values and are a number of rules that an individual must get used to and become part of his personality.
  • Parents are always keen to teach their children these values in order to be in a suitable place to live in the future.
  • Some parents believe that teaching a child’s morals and good values should not take place at a young age, but this is grossly wrong.
  • Parents should teach good manners to their children at a young age so that they are properly raised up and their lives are easier to deal with afterwards.
  • These moral values include faith, unity, courage, cooperation and many other qualities that must be instilled in the child from a young age, where we must be supportive of them and dialogue with them in their ideas in order to create a great human being who can lead society and defy the odds.
  • Teaching children these values is a mirror that illustrates the inner capacity and cooperation that should exist in everyday life, where we should set a good example for future generations.
  • All this is done in accordance with Islamic law, which we will continue to adhere to and its principles in order to live a life full of peace, cooperation and progress, as these values are considered Islamic values for children.

Things to know before instilling Islamic values for children

There is some information that everyone should know before we start instilling Islamic values for children in order to have a healthy child who can one day be a leader, and this information is clear in the following:

  • Parents are the main source from which the child learns good values because he looks at them in each of their movements and imitates them.
  • The ability of young people to think about themselves is healthy for the world we live in because they are the backbone of the future and are able to build a wonderful community to live in.
  • Scientific research has shown that the child’s relationship with parents, the more they see the world around them according to the values they get from parents and live on throughout their lives.
  • Childhood is a significantly important stage in shaping the healthy values of the child in the environment in which he grows, so the distinctive and optimal model for the child must be chosen.
  • According to what the child learns from parents, he will be able to choose friends appropriately, and we will explain the effects of other things.
Islamic values for children

The role of television in conducting Islamic values to children

  • The role of television in the modern era is not limited to show movies, series and football matches, but it has a major role in educating children and it’s denied only by the ungrateful man.
  •  A number of television channels transmit some positive social messages to young children away from channels that spread some contrary values.
  •  A number of channels offer some educational and moral programs that care about the child and provide means to help them define moral values.
  • There are also some films and series shown on television on some channels, where they clarify some of the moral and educational values that must be known significantly to reach maturity in the Islamic society in which we live.

The role of family in instilling Islamic values to children

  • Parents can instill in their children many Islamic values such as dignity, equality, cooperation and many other ethics.
  • The main role belongs to the family, because the child learns from them spontaneously and they don’t know anything outside the family, as they look at what they are doing and begin to learn it quickly.
  • Therefore, the family should look for ways to communicate values wonderfully to the child while applying what he learns in his daily life and dealing with friends, parents, relatives and neighbors.
  • The problem with this may be that parents act far from what needs to be communicated to children, this is difficult for children because they cannot understand what needs to be learned and what parents are doing or what they are explaining.
  • Therefore, parents should not execrate any problem or show violence in front of their children and prioritize their relationship with their children in order to raise them with distinctive behavior.

How to connect Islamic values to the world in which the children live?

There are some things that must be followed in order to put the child in the ranks of Islamic good values in order to present Islamic values to children, and they are evident in the following:

  • A six-year-old child is not allowed to cancel a date with a friend in order to accept another exciting and fun invitation.
  • An eight-year-old child should take some responsibility and help should not be provided while doing homework or school activities, as he should be left on his own.
  • The eight-year-old should not be allowed to leave his football team in the middle of the season in order to join another team, because this affects the child’s personality, especially as this will harm the team that left him in the middle of the season.
  • These decisions may be seen simple by some people, but they help the child choose decisions that are suitable for him and the society in which he lives.

Awareness of the model that is presented to the child in order to present Islamic values to children

As it is said, it is not important what a person says, but what is important is what he does, as the action is the basis, and this is evident in the following:

  • If you want to teach honesty to the child, you should not lie in front of him, this applies to many moral values such as honesty, cooperation and other values.
  • Helping the child develop empathy for other people and this method is the best way to ensure that he is immersed in life with others.
  • Introduce the child to some values in the community such as honesty, duties towards neighbors, or behaviors that must be performed while talking to them.
  • The child should discuss the reasons for making the decision, and whether it is a right or bad decision in order to instill Islamic values in children.
  • Ask the child questions in order to find out if the decisions have innovative and new ideas or not. 
  • Encourage the child to the distinctive behavior that he does, and not to scold him in case he does an inappropriate act, and must be directed appropriately and not reprimanded in front of his colleagues.
  • Encourage the child to participate in any community service project. Raise any discussion with the child and choose some books that should be read together to build his personality appropriately.
Islamic values for children

Islamic values for children that must be instilled within them

There are many Islamic values for children that God Almighty and His Holy Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) urged in order to instill them in young children in order to build a conscious generation that benefits others, perhaps the most prominent of which are as follows:

  • The doctrine of monotheism is the most important value in the world, which refers to the love of God Almighty and belief in His oneness and greatness as the most important teachings of Islam that must be taught to the child from birth.
  • Piety, faith in God, attachment to prayer, reading Quran, pay zakat and fasting Ramadan, which the child must be raised on, it is one of the most important Islamic values for children.
  • Honesty in word and deed, as children must be raised to follow, as well as to keep the covenants they make and to know their rights and duties.
  • Seeking knowledge where Islam urges the child to be raised to seek knowledge because it is obligatory for every Muslim man and woman in order to bring benefit to the Islamic nation and the entire Islamic community.
  • Good morals are one of the most important qualities that a child must be raised on, such as honesty, giving, patience, forgiveness and good neighborliness.
  • Honoring one’s parents is one of the most important values that a child must have for the strength of the family in the Islamic society.
  • Diligence in work and taking responsibility, whether in practical life or study and relying on God in all matters, which is an important Islamic value for children.
  • Develop a spirit of patience and courage in order to be able to overcome the difficulties and challenges facing him in his daily life.
  • The child must be taught equality between people, there is no discrimination for any nationality on nationality or any race on race, we are all one, there is no virtue for an Arab over a foreigner except through piety.
  • The child grew up to preserve the environment because it is the place in which we live and must be taken care of and preserved in order to spend the best time within this wonderful environment.
  • Humility, Islam urged us to raise children to cooperate with others, not to be arrogant to anyone, and to humble themselves to obtain the love of God.
  • Teaching the child the benefit of community contribution in order to help the needy and the poor, which is one of the most important Islamic values for children.

You can also read about: Building up the child’s personality on faith superiority.

Behaviors that must be taught to the child

There are some behaviors and behaviors that must be taught to the child from birth and instilled within him in order to be an influential member of society, and they are as follows:

  • The need to apologize in case of doing anything wrong and get used to say the word “sorry” and must know when it is said so as not to be taken lightly.
  • Ask permission before entering any room or any place in order to respect the privacy of other persons.
  • Get into the habit of saying “thank you” if you get anything from anyone or the child should say “please” if he asks someone for something.
  • Don’t interrupt people while they’re talking, respect the conversation to the end and ask permission if you do something important and say, “Sorry, I want to talk.”
  • Not to deny anyone, especially people with disabilities and parents should teach the child this point, as all children feel curious while seeing a person with needs, so he should not be looked at in an annoying way, he is a normal and normal person like us and should be treated normally without any problems.
  • Respect and welcome guests wonderfully when at home.
  • Not to commit any problems in the house of others and tamper with their belongings as this may cause distress to them.
  • Clean any traces of food from the table if the food is finished.
Islamic values for children

The positive effects of education on Islamic values for children

There are some positive effects that accrue to the child and society from raising Islamic values for children, as follows:

  • Develop the child’s behaviors, morals and ability to make the right decision so that he can take responsibility when he grows up and become the leader of a family within an Islamic community.
  • The child’s personality is developed and considered a highly responsible person who can cooperate with and respect others.
  • Develop positive relationships with others, whether friends, family or anyone else, and strengthen cooperation and understanding between them.
  • Increasing the academic achievement process as scientific studies have proven that students with good values can get higher grades due to their focus on positive things.
  • Teaching the child social values based on the good values that have been instilled in him, including helping others.
  • Improving children’s mental health because good values enable the child to know how to deal with any stresses and challenges properly.
  • Develop the child’s leadership skills, making him a future leader capable of positively influencing others.
  • Promote the principle of tolerance, respect and empathy for others. Enhancing the power of effective community participation and making many positive contributions.
  • Having good values helps the child to be independent and encourages making the right decisions without the help of anyone else.

How to instill Islamic values for children in them

The process of instilling Islamic values for children requires more patience and dedication and continuing to provide these values, this is done through some methods, which are as follows:

  • Setting an example for the child, as all children imitate parents in all their actions and behaviors, so parents must behave perfectly in front of them in order to receive information appropriately.
  • Always talk to the child about good values, explain how they occur and what their benefits are, and these values are embodied in daily life and illustrate some examples that occur in reality.
  • Using some songs, stories and tales that can convey good values to children and information is communicated to them in a fun way that makes them harmonious and can receive information well.
  • Encourage children to have good values by motivating them to offer rewards while they are doing something positive that represents good values, as well as always thanking and praising them.
  • Using positive education in order to develop these good values while the child is doing something good, positive feedback is provided to motivate him to continue with these values.
  • Encourage the child to participate in any community activity, which is represented in volunteer work in order to promote good values.
  • Create an open dialogue with the child in which their ideas are discussed, and they are encouraged to come up with new ideas, ask them questions and respond to them in everything they want to know.
  • Continue the process of teaching good values in order to strengthen them within the child’s personality.
  • Identify the benefits that regulate children’s behavior, strengthen the embodiment of good values, and emphasize that there are consequences that will occur if inappropriate behavior is made.
  • Patience in teaching the child good values because children have a much lower ability to absorb than adults, so they must be cast.

In this article, we talked about Islamic values for children that must be instilled within them in order to obtain a conscious generation capable of forming a strong personality in the Islamic society that is filled with priceless good values that all generations must be educated on through the principles of the true Islamic religion for the full growth of society based on courage, monotheism, faith, honesty and many good qualities and values.

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