غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان

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Our children and alternative emotions

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Screenshot 2023-05-27 075938

Our children and alternative emotions

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Our Article today is entitled by “Our Children and Alternative Emotions”, with the huge spread of modern means of technology and communication, our children have become in danger and prey for alternative emotions which may trap them in a dark and lonely way so the family must be the first source of love and passion in the lives of children so that they do not look for it outside and the ominous consequences happen.

Our children and alternative emotions

Our children are the smile of lips, the spirit of life, the morning breezes and the roses of spring.

They are stars which lit up the sky, peace of the heart and sight of the eye.

How can we leave them without care or tenderness?!

How can we deprive them of love and attention?!

Will cell phones grant them feelings of lost fatherhood?!

Will the Internet compensate them with lost tenderness of motherhood?!

In a study applied on a sample of fathers and mothers, it was found out that Arabs spend more time with their children on an average 4 hours a week, while foreigners spend only half an hour a week with their children.

But the most important danger, is the entry of electronic devices and the Internet into our lives, as the world has become an open place and a danger that parents must realize to protect their children from falling into it. The most important question here is:

How do we restore family relationships to their pulse and warmth?

Our children and alternative emotions

In order to restore the warmth and pulse of family relations between parents and children we can look at this educational proverb which say play with him one seventh then educate him one seventh then be his friend one seventh.

There are three keys we can use, which are as follows:

1- The first key: real family gathering

It is a time when you specialize it in gathering with family without internet or phones.

Where bodies and spirits meet up with present minds without any external disturbance.

Play with your children in these times.

Listen to your children’s problems and solve them.

Listen to their suggestions and discuss them.

Make eye contact and show love and care for them.

2- The second key: kissing children

The prophet ( peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) kissed al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali, and al-Aqra’ ibn Habis was sitting, and al-Aqra’ said: “I have ten children from whom I have not kissed before so the prophet( peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) looked at him and said: who does not have mercy will receive no mercy.”

Nothing is loved by a child that touches his heart and makes him feel love and tenderness rather than a kiss that imprints on his forehead.

Kissing a child on his forehead, cheek or hand conveys many good feelings, which vary depending on the location of the kiss.

Dr. Mustafa Abu Saad says that there are 4 kisses that our children should have, and they are as follows:

  • The kiss of pride, which is on the head.
  • The kiss of satisfaction, which is on the forehead.
  • As for the kiss of missing so long that is on the cheek.
  • The kiss of the hand is the title of love and affection.

3- The third key: showing interest and declaring love

declaring love for children and offering affection and tenderness increases the space for mutual trust.

With trust, love and security children grow up together in an integrated emotional environment.

.Without turning into any external environment to obtain alternative feelings outside the family

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Here we have reached the conclusion of the article (our children and alternative emotions) and explained how children should be treated in order to they don’t drift behind others and not be an accessible bait for any human wolves.



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