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The Adhan’s rules, formula and etiquettes

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The Adhan’s rules, formula and etiquettes

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Today we will learn together, dear children about rules of the Adhan, its formula and etiquettes, as the Adhan is a notification of prayer’s entry time using special words and we will show you its formula in the following lines.

The Adhan’s rules, formula and etiquettes

Adhan means: it’s the time of prayer’s entry using specific words and when it is heard, you must pray on time.

Adhan has great virtue, as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “The muezzins will have the longest necks on the Day of Resurrection.”

He also said: “If people knew what was in the call and the first row then if they found out that they should to start with, they would have started with.”

As for Adhan’s Hukum or judgement, it is an obligation of sufficiency on people of both villages and cities.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: ” Who heard The extent of the muezzin’s voice as a jinn or a human being, he will bear witness to him on the Day of Resurrection.”

It means: to hear the purpose and the end of his voice, that is, listening to Adhan from the beginning to the end.

The purpose means: the beginning of the sound and it is low to the end, so that all creatures testify to him that he was listening to Adhan.

Adhan formula

After we have learned about the rules, formula and etiquettes of Adhan, we will know the formula of Adhan, which is the same at all times and places and for every prayer, it is as follows:

The Adhan’s rules, formula and etiquettes

God is great, God is great… God is great, God is great

I testify that there is no god but Allah… I testify that there is no god but Allah

I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah… I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God

come to prayer … come to prayer

come to Falah … come to Falah

God is great, God is great… There is no god but Allah.

In the Fajr prayer, we add to Adhan after the come to Falah (prayer is better than sleeping.. prayer is better than sleeping).

Adhan of Iqama’s formula

God is great ….. God is great

I testify that there is no God but Allah ……. I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

come to prayer ……. come to Falah

The prayer has been established …. The prayer has been established

God is great, God is great …. there is no God but Allah

Supplication between Adhan and Iqama

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “Dua is answered between Adhan and Iqama.”

In this hadith, people are encouraged to pray to Allah Almighty and saying Dua between Adhan and Iqama.

And that supplication between them at this time is answered and not rejected.

A Muslim should seize this opportunity and pray to Allah for what he loves, so that Allah may respond to him.

See also: Mosque etiquette and obligatory prayers

Etiquette of the muezzin

There is a set of qualities and etiquette that a person who raises Adhan up must have and in order to be a muezzin, he must meet the conditions, namely:

  • To be a male Muslim, it is not permissible for a non-Muslim to raise Adhan up, just as it is not permissible for women.
  • Turn your head and neck left and right at the time of saying come to prayer and come to Falah.
  • put your fingers in your ears.
  • Raise up the Adhan while you are standing.
  • Sincerity of intention to Allah Almighty, so he does not take a reward for Adhan.
  • Be aware of the times of prayer, not be late and be faithful to them.
  • To have a good and strong voice.
  • The muezzin must be on full purity before Adhan.
  • Reception the Qubla.
  • It is not permissible to speak during Adhan.
  • He does not leave the mosque after Adhan.

Etiquettes of listening to Adhan

After we knew The Adhan’s rules, formula and etiquettes. Are there listening etiquettes of Adhan?, of course yes.

When we listen to Adhan, we must have a set of qualities and etiquettes, which are as follows:

  • We say exactly as the muezzin says and chant Adhan behind him.
  • When the muezzin says come to prayer, come to Falah, we say: There is no power but from God.
  • When the muezzin testifies, we say: “I also testify that there is no god but Allah alone who has no partner, and I testify that Muhammad is his servant and messenger, I have accepted Allah as God, Muhammad as a prophet and Islam as a religion.”
  • Whoever says so, God will forgive him with his sin.
  • When the muezzin finishes Adhan, we say: “O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad”, “O Allah, the Lord of this call to perfection and the current existing prayer, Muhammad will come with grace and virtue, send him a praiseworthy place that you promised”.
  • Whoever says this supplication after Adhan will be interceded for by the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) to enter Paradise.

See also: The story of obligatory prayer

What are the invalidators of Adhan?

The owner of Rwad al-Murbi who is from the Hanbalis, says about the invalidators of the call to prayer that every melody or accent changes the meaning of Adhan, it is one of the invalidators, so the muezzin must be careful not to change the meaning of Adhan.

When does Adhan be unpleasant?

Adhan is unpleasant when the person who raise Adhan up is an immoral person, just as it is unpleasant and it is not permissible for a woman, so there is no Adhan for her.

The conclusion is: after we have learned about the Adhan’s rules, formula and etiquettes we must persevere in the supplication of Adhan and chant behind the muezzin, as we have learned for this is a great virtue.

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