غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


Stories about the wonders of scientists and servants


Stories about the wonders of scientists and servants

We will show you my loved ones a set of stories about the wonders of scientists and servants, which are funny stories that express the extent of their love for Allah Almighty, their strong faith and the extent of piety that they are distinguished by, below we leave you with:

Stories about the wonders of scientists and servants

1- The story of Al- Qawariri and the congregational prayer

Al-Qawariri is one of the leading scholars in Islam, he was famous for his attachment to prayer, his intense love for congregational prayer and his keenness on it in the mosque.

One day a guest came to Al-Qawariri, Al-Qawariri was busy in his hospitality till the evening prayer, he was busy with his hospitality and generosity to this guest.

The muezzin called for the evening prayer, Al-Qawariri was busy with his guest until he left and he was happy with the sense of hospitality to him.

Al-Qawariri went out to the mosque to catch up the congregational prayer, but he found that people had prayed and finished, he was very sad.

He said to himself, remembering the hadith of the Messenger of Allah, it is narrated from the Prophet that he said: “The congregational prayer is preferred more twenty-seven degrees than the individual’s prayer.”

So Al-Qawariri returned to his house and prayed Isha twenty-seven times (27) then fell asleep.

He saw in his dream that he was racing horsemen and their horses were ahead of his horse, so he hit his horse to follow them.

Then the last of the horsemen looked at him and said, “Do not tire your horse, you will not follow us.”

Al-Qawariri said to him, “Why?”

The knight said, “Because we prayed Isha in congregation.”

2- The story of Abd al-Rahman bin Mahdi and Fajr prayer

Abd al-Rahman bin Mahdi read half of Quran every night and prayed all night.

One night he got up to pray until he felt very tired.

When dawn came, he threw himself on bed and fell asleep with exhaustion.

The sun rose and it was too late for the morning prayer, because of the extreme fatigue of Abd al-Rahman bin Mahdi, he did not pray the morning prayer.

He made a vow to himself not to put a mattress between him and the earth.

From this night he slept directly on the floor until his thighs were sore from the ground.

He endured physical harm so that he wouldn’t fall asleep and the prayer would be lost on him.

Stories about the wonders of scientists and servants

3- The lesson’s courtesy of the scientist Abd Al- Rahman bin Mahdi

The students of knowledge studying under the great scholar Abd al-Rahman ibn Mahdi were very polite in the lesson.

None of them dares to speak, sharpen a pen, smile, or get up.

They were as if they were in prayer, or on their heads were birds.

When Abd al-Rahman bin Mahdi saw any of them spoke or smiled, he put on his slippers and walked out of the lesson.

4- The story of Um Hassaan Al-Kufiyyah with Sufyan Al-Thawri

Um Hassan al-Kufiya was given the nickname because she lived in Kufa.

She was diligent in worship, senior scholars would come to visit her to follow her example and learn from her.

One day two great scholars Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak and Sufyan Al-Thawri visited her.

When they entered her house, they found nothing except an old piece of mat.

Sufyan Al-Thawri told her, “If you ask for help from your rich cousins, they will help you and change your situation.”

She said: “O Sufyan, you have been the greatest in my eye and in my heart so far, I don’t ask the world’s creator who is able to do it and own it and judge in it (means Allah), so how can I ask those who are not able to do it and do not judge?”

She continued: “O Sufyan, I do not like to have a time when I am concerned about Allah Almighty other than Allah means (from the bliss of life).

Sufyan Al-Thawri cried for this and later got married to her.

One of the wonderful stories in Islam

Ibn Simeon from a naked man to a great imam.

The generosity of Al-Laith bin Saad.

Learnt Lessons

  • The virtue of pray in congregation and nothing compensates for it.
  • Honoring the guest is one of his rights, but do not be distracted away of the right of Allah Almighty or prayer.
  • The right of the Creator takes precedence over the right of the creature.
  • Holding oneself accountable for neglecting worship and obedience.
  • If we ask, we ask God, He alone is almighty.
  • Not to be preoccupied with the world and its bliss from obeying God.
  • We should not be distracted by food or drink or play about prayer, there is Quran, remembrances, and honoring one’s parents must occur in our life.
  • Be polite with the etiquette of science councils and not be preoccupied with anything during the lesson.

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