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The story of memorizing Quran for children

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Screenshot 2023-05-27 075938

The story of memorizing Quran for children

Screenshot 2023-05-27 075938

Memorizing Holy Quran is one of the most important priorities that parents should pay attention to, don’t say my son is still young, you can start with him from 3 years old, memorization begins even when he still a fetus in his mother’s womb. Today we will tell our children the story of memorizing Quran for children with Cady, who wasn’t more than three years old when he started memorizing it.

The story of memorizing Quran for children

When Cady was 3 years old or younger, her mother wanted to take the advantage of spending a long time together at home, so they decided to memorize Holy Quran.

Cady could speak well, repeat words behind her mother and memorize, so the child could start memorizing as soon as he could speak.

The mother always read Quran in front of her child, which made this task very easy, and she offered it.

Mother: What do you think, Cady, if we memorize Quran together?

Cady: Of course, Mom, I agree and I’m very excited about that.

Mother: Wonderful my dear child, everyone will be happy with you and I will be proud of you.

Cady: Let’s memorize now I’m excited about it.

Mom: Okay but first we will draw the heart of Cady.

Cady: What’s Cady’s heart, Mom, I don’t understand.

Mother: We will start by memorizing Surat Al-Fatihah and short surahs from Juz Amma, then we will draw a heart that we call (the heart of Cady),divide it and write on it the names of all the surahs.

Cady happily: So cool let’s do it.

Mother: Every surah you memorize we will color it until we color the whole heart.

Cady: That’s a great idea, you encouraged me and excited me a lot.

Memorizing Quran for children

The story of memorizing Quran for children

The idea was amazing at first, since Cady did not exceed two and a half years old, but the mother insisted and encouraged her daughter to memorize, she drew a heart and in the middle Surat Al-Fatihah with all the surahs of Juz Amma.

And the idea of the heart deserves to attract the child’s attention and the mother hung it on the wall so that everyone who enters the house can see it, encourage the little girl to memorize and increase her enthusiasm.

Cady memorized one surah every day and when she recited it without a single mistake, her mother hold her up to color it on the wall.

You can also read about: How do I make my child love Quran?

How to memorize Holy Quran for children

The story of memorizing Quran for children

The mother followed a beautiful style and an easy way with her child Cady, which are as follows:

  • Doing something new and encouraging like, drawing a heart.
  • She told her child that we have to color the whole heart and it would only be by memorizing all the surahs.
  • She started with the opening of the book (Surah Al-Fatiha), then she repeated it a lot in front of Cady.
  • Then she asked her to recite what she heard until she has memorized it completely.
  • Then she made the child recite on her own.
  • She was playing cassette tapes on this surah every once in a while and another a day.
  • On the second day, Cady recited the surah that she memorized yesterday.
  • They was repeating the same method daily.
  • A video can be recorded of the child while he’s reading Quran and he can watch himself later.
  • Giving encouraging gifts to the child, whether a toy, candy, or going to a place he loves.

You can use jeras app to help your children memorize Holy Quran in a fun and interesting way, download the app from here.



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