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The wonders of Imam Bukhari’s stories

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The wonders of Imam Bukhari’s stories

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He is Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari, nicknamed al-Bukhari, one of the seniors and jurists in the science of hadith, born in 194 AH in Bukhari city in Uzbekistan and he is the owner of Sahih al-Bukhari, we will learn with you about a group of wonders of Imam Bukhari’s stories for children.

The wonders of Imam Bukhari’s stories

We will show you my dear children a collection of wonderful and short stories of Imam al-Bukhari (may Allah have mercy on him) who is the owner of Sahih al-Bukhari, from whom we take all the authentic hadiths about the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) so follow us.

The story of Imam al-Bukhari with the science of hadith

Imam al-Bukhari grew up in a house of knowledge and this was one of the reasons for his diligence and great love for knowledge and its achievement, because he knew that this was the best deed and the inheritance of the prophets.

Due to Imam al-Bukhari’s diligence and love of knowledge, he slept little at night and he used to wake up at night about 15 or 20 times to study, review hadiths and seek knowledge.

The memorizing power of Al-Bukhari

As a child, al-Bukhari used to go to the sheikhs of Basra to learn hadith.

But the strange thing is that he spent about 16 days not writing anything of hadith behind his teacher.

Some students asked him why he didn’t write like them and they thought he came to the science council just to play and entertain.

Some of them said to him “You come to us and do not write what do you do?”

He replied “Show me what you have written.”

So they brought out more than ten thousand hadiths to him and all of them heard Al-Bukhari recited hadiths from his memorization, therefore they began to correct their books from his memorization.

He said to them with disapproval: “Do you see that I am wasting my time without benefits?.

They knew at that time that no one would surpass him in science.

The memorizing power of Al-Bukhari

Al-Bukhari used to memorize one hundred thousand authentic hadiths and two hundred thousand incorrect hadiths, when he went to Baghdad the hadith scholars wanted to test him, so they turned over a hundred hadiths and each of them took ten hadiths to read to him in the council.

So people gathered and one of them asked al-Bukhari about one of his ten hadiths.

He replied: “I don’t know it then the man asked him about another one until he finished his tenth, then everyone did as the first did, Bukhari said in every hadith that he asked about : “I don’t know it.”

When he saw that they had finished, he turned to the first of them and said: “As for your first hadith, it is correct in such and such and your second hadith: it is correct in such and such and your third hadith: it is correct in such and such.”

Until the ten individuals been answered, each text was returned to its correct Isnaad and all people confessed to him memorization and knowledge.

The wonders of Imam Bukhari’s stories

The story of Bukhari and the wasp

The wasp is an insect that looks like a bee and has a painful sting.

Al-Bukhari (may Allah have mercy on him) used to pray one night ,the wasp stung him 17 times and his body was swollen.

They said to him, “How did you not leave prayer when you got stung”.

He said to them, “I was reading surah of Quran and I wanted to complete it”.

Lessons learned from this story

  • The virtue of science and scientists.
  • Seeking knowledge from a young age.
  • Science is the best and most beloved works to God.
  • Diligence in seeking knowledge.
  • Memorizing Holy Quran and the Prophet’s Hadith.
  • The importance of the science of hadith.
  • Reverence in prayer.

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