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Tips for raising teenagers


Tips for raising teenagers

Teenage is considered one of the toughest stages that requires special attention and care, so we will provide you with the most important tips for raising teenagers that can be used to help your child go through this stage smoothly.

Tips for raising teenagers

Teenage is the transitional stage between childhood and adulthood and it is considered one of the toughest stages that requires a great deal of attention.

In this article, we present a guide on how to deal with teenagers, raise them and guide them towards safety.

If this stage is passed smoothly, your child will benefit forever and overcome many problems that may arise in the future.

We will provide you with tips that increase the bond between you and your child.

You can also read about: The concept of upbringing in Islam.

Tips for dealing with your teenager son

Tips for raising teenagers

The tips for dealing with teenagers lie in understanding their needs and avoiding what causes problems between them and their parents.

There are some problems that are the main cause of tension and problems in the relationship between parents and their children during the teenage period.

If these problems are overcome or solutions are found for them, then the teenager’s mind would be understood.

they can be overcome and your child’s trust can be gained forever.

The problems between teenagers and parents include the following:


No matter how old children get, they still remain small in the eyes of their parents.

However, this is a misunderstanding as they grow up, especially if you have a teenager son who sees himself as being big enough at this stage.

One of the problems that parents face is treating their teenager as a small child, which is not true. They are grown-ups and want to take responsibility that parents refuse to give them the freedom to do.

Therefore, parents must trust their children and allow them to take responsibility for themselves to build a bond of trust and get them accustomed to taking responsibility.


Being a parent does not give you the right to insult your child and mutual respect must be maintained.

Children and teenagers are very sensitive when it comes to their dignity, it must be preserved in front of themselves, their siblings and others.

Avoid scolding or insulting your child in front of anyone, and teach them to respect everyone.


Trust differs from one child to another.

You may see one of your children as responsible and worthy of trust but not the other.

However, you must trust them regardless and convey this feeling to them.

When your child feels that you trust them, they will strive to be worthy of that trust.


There should be continuous communication between parents and their children.

The relationship should not be limited to giving orders only, but there should be communication, stories, discussions, news, activities, and more.

If you have a good relationship with your child all the time and your are friends, they will accept your advice with an open heart.

You can talk to them about everything including bad habits, like smoking.


Your child needs more privacy.

Every teenager needs time alone to close the door, listen to music, write, draw, or just spend time with themselves.

Your teenage child will definitely do this and you must accept it.

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