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What is Zakat obligatory?

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What is Zakat obligatory?

Screenshot 2023-05-27 075938
What is Zakat obligatory?

Today, dear children, we will learn about one of the most important pillars of Islam, which is zakat, so What is Zakat obligatory? And its definition, to whom it is imposed, and to whom it is given, this is what we will know in the following lines.

What is Zakat obligatory?

The definition of zakat is the third pillar of Islam after the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and prayer.

It is a worship in which a Muslim takes out a part of a certain amount of money for a certain sect, at a known time.

Zakat is a purification of souls from miserliness, seeking reward from Allah and money development .

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What is the purpose of Zakat?

  • Helping a Muslim traveler who has run out of money or lost it and does not have enough for him, as zakat is a help for him until he .returns to his country
  • .Zakat is a reason to enter Paradise
  • The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “There are rooms in Paradise whose backs can be seen from their stomachs and their stomachs from their backs” bedouin said: “To whom? Prophet of Allah ” he said :”to those who speak well and feed the food.”
  • Zakat preserves the structure of the Islamic society and makes it one family, the rich man feels about the poor, and the Muslim feels that he has brothers who help him in his life.
  • Do not leave a room for hatred from the poor and the needy towards the rich, they are all interconnected and feel about each other.
  • No malice, no envy.
  • Entering Paradise with the righteous, pious and benevolent ones.
  • Zakat is taken by Allah raises it, blesses it and develops the money.
  • The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever justly gives charity to a date from earning a kib and does not ascend to Allah Almighty except good, Allah will accept it with his right hand and raise it for its owner as one of you raises a falwah so that it will be like anyone.”
  • Flo is the son of the Persians, and Uhud is the mountain of Uhud.

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Why do we pay zakat?

What is Zakat obligatory?
? What is Zakat obligatory

We pay zakat in honor of the commands of Allah Almighty and in obedience to Him, as the Almighty said: “Establish prayer and pay zakat.”

We pay zakat in order to:

  • Establishing the third pillar of Islam.
  • The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Islam is based on five principles: the testimony that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the establishment of prayer, the payment of zakat, the fasting of Ramadan, and the pilgrimage of the house.”
  • Development of money also its purification of it and souls from sins, miserliness and scarcity.
  • The Almighty said: “Take from their wealth a charity that purifies and boost them.”
  • Helping poor Muslims, consoling them and meeting their needs.
  • Paying off debts for debtors and alleviating their worries.
  • Equipping the armies of Islam and the armies of the state to defend religion and the homeland.

And here we have reached to the conclusion dear children and we have defined to you what is the obligatory zakat ? And why do we take it out, and we will learn in the next episode on how to get out zakat and when, we take out zakat in obedience to the orders of Allah, and for fear of punishment and injustice of people, Muslims have unanimously agreed on the premise of zakat, it is obligatory for every capable Muslim sane and adult, whoever is stingy or detracted from it is one of the oppressors.



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