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The children’s upbringing by the prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) produced a generation of leaders
June 3, 2023
8:48 am
The Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) dealt with young children in a manner based on compassion, mercy, softness and consideration for their conditions. The prophet had

Building up a child’s morals
June 3, 2023
8:37 am
Building up morals of a child needs time, patience and great effort from the human being in order to become part of his character and behavior, so Islam urged the

Positive upbringing for children up to 12 years old
June 3, 2023
8:27 am
Caregivers for children are their first role models. Children do not just imitate their parents or repeat the words and behavior of their teachers, but also believe what they say

The manner of Allah’s messenger with children (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him)
May 30, 2023
6:11 am
Childhood has its characteristics that require understanding it in a manner commensurate with this special stage and there have been many scientific studies and research that have dealt with this