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Building up a child’s morals

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Building up a child’s morals

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بناء أخلاق الطفل

Building up morals of a child needs time, patience and great effort from the human being in order to become part of his character and behavior, so Islam urged the upbringing of the child on morals from the beginning because this is easier than getting used to grow up because neglecting this matter leads to the corruption of the individual and then the family, thus the corruption of society.

Examples of building up children’s morals in Islam

  • On the authority of Ayyub bin Musa bin Amr bin Saeed bin Al-Aas, on the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather: that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “No father raises his child better than good manners.” Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi.
  • There are many etiquettes for every situation and every behavior that a person does in his day, such as the etiquette of eating, sleeping, riding, going out, asking permission and others. We must teach them all to the child.
  • There are general morals on which we must train the child in dealing with Quran, scholars, the elderly and others.

Criteria for completing the construction of a child’s morals

There are some moral values in Islam that require the upbringing of a child on, as they are fellow:

Taking care of the child emotionally and psychologically

  • We have a good example in Muhammed our prophet and his relationship with his two grandsons, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein.
  • And in Al-Bukhari on the authority of Osama, the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and Al-Hassan bin Ali used to sit with me and say: Oh God, I love them, so may you love them.
  • And in Muslim’s narration, Anas said: “By God, I have not seen anyone who was more merciful to children than the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him.” (narrated by Muslim)
  • And on the authority of Abu Hurairah (may God be pleased with him) that Al-Aqra’ bin Habis saw the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) kissing Al-Hassan and he said: “I have ten children and I have not kissed one of them”.
  • And also the story of the Prophet with the child and his bird that died, how the Prophet cared for his feelings, consoled him and eased his burden.
  • Therefore, Islam pays great attention to promote the mental health of the child, because it is an essential pillar in the upbringing of a person of sound, mind and soul.

You can also check out: Etiquettes of eating and drinking for children.

Building up a Child’s Faith

A person is held accountable for not teaching the faith to their children because it is the basis on which a person’s destiny is linked, whether it be heaven or hell, victory or loss in this world and the hereafter.

Building a child’s faith is through:

  • Teach the child the word monotheism from childhood.
  • Endearing the child to God, the messenger, the Prophets, and the Companions.
  • Tell stories to the child that help him love his religion.
  • Memorizing Quran for children from an early age.
  • Teaching the child the meanings of Quran.
  • Training and accustoming the child to worship.
  • Take the child to the mosque.
  • Taking the child to science councils.

Raising a child on honoring one’s parents

  • Raising the child on the righteousness of the parents
  • Honoring parents is not an innate behavior, but it is acquired and the child is trained in it.
  • In the beginning, parents honor their children through the previous points, and then the children are required to honor their parents.

Punishment for disobedience of parents

  • Unfortunately, this responsibility also falls on the educator, so his son must know the reward for honoring his parents.
  • Parental punishment.
  • He trains his son to help him when he is young, asking him for help.
  • Alerts the child if he makes a mistake in a parent.
  • The educator should be a role model for his child in righteousness with grandparents.

methods of disciplining a child

Building up a child’s morals
  • There are many ways to deal with children’s behavior and to know the correct ones and the wrong ones, we must know that the Prophet used several disciplinary methods with children and with his companions.
  • Children go through many behavioral problems, especially in the early stages of life, so the educator must have many tools and means to raise the child properly.

Role model

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever said to his boy, come to get this, then he did not give him anything, it is a lie.”

The greatest lesson in the importance of being a role model for the child, even in the simplest of actions.

And the educator if he wants to raise his children properly, must raise himself with them, because this will save him a lot of time and effort.

Choosing the right time for guidance

The Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) used to choose the appropriate time and place for guidance.

Parents should choose appropriate times according to the situation to guide the child. For example, if your child suffers from the problem of lying and you have a guest, the child tells you something while he is lying don’t speak to the child or direct him in front of the guest. Rather, you ignore the situation completely and talk to the child afterward on your own.

Justice and equality between children

Building up a child’s morals

Lack of justice and equality between children is the door to a great sedition that breaks the ties of kinship and stirs up hatred and enmity between brothers, so you must be careful in dealing with your children.

So the Prophet commanded justice and equality in a hadith. Tell us Yahya bin Yahya. He said: I read on the authority of Malik on the authority of bin Shihab, on the authority of Hamid bin Abd al-Rahman, on the authority of Muhammad bin al-Nu`man bin Bashir. They tell him about Al-Nu’man bin Bashir, he said: His father brought him to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: I have given food to a boy who is mine. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “Did your son eat like this?” He replied: No. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: “so take it back”.

Many conflicts between young brothers, will find among their reasons that one brother is wronged or the mother stands by his brother. Therefore, every educator must learn how to properly resolve the differences between brothers to not causing problems for them in their relationship with each other when they get elder.

Giving the child his rights:

The Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) urged on respecting the child, give him his rights and accept the truth even if it is from a child because this will give the child a positive feeling of love for life and love for the truth.

One of the best situations that we learn from is what was narrated by Sahl bin Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “A cup was brought to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and on his right side was a boy who was the youngest of people and the elders were on his left. He asked: “May I give it to the elders?” Sahl replied: “I would prefer to share mine to anyone from you, O Messenger of Allah.” So he gave it to him. Narrated by Al-Bukhari.

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