غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


10 commandments to get my child in my side


10 commandments to get my child in my side

We present 10 commandments to help you get my child in my side. Every father and parent carries the responsibility of raising their children with a righteous upbringing, especially in these times where education has become one of the most complex matters that require a great effort from the educator. In the midst of the world’s openness, it is important to maintain family cohesion and to keep the children from falling into the traps of temptations and desires. Dear father, all you have to be deeply contemplate these commandments, not superficially, and think about them with a penetrating and thoughtful perspective, so that you contribute to raise your children.

10 commandments to get my child in my side

  1. Make your children feel important no matter how young they are, create a language of meaningful dialogue between you and your child. Allow them the freedom to express their opinions.
  2. Show your love for your child. They feel and are affected by it. They desire someone to wipe their tears and comfort them. It is not enough to just love them, you must also express these feelings to them so they don’t seek it from others.
  3. Get angry with them for the sake of Allah, not for yourself or to vent your anger or prove yourself..
  4. Accept your child as they are. Many people are blessed with children with special needs or disabilities. Accept your child as they are and demonstrate contentment with the decree of Allah. Do not complain about it or make your child feel like you are not satisfied with them. Do not make them feel the pain of their disability. Help them to adapt their life and disability.
  5. Do not pretend to be perfect and admit your mistakes. You are human and can make mistakes. If you make a mistake with your child, apologize to them.
  6. Do not be the key to evil for your children and facilitate their access to wrongdoing. Be a barrier to evil and a key to goodness.
  7. Do not neglect your children while you are alive and fully occupied. Give them some of your time.
  8. Encourage them to do good deeds by praying for them, praising them, and giving them gifts, as gifts are the key to the heart.
  9. Raise them on the most important Islamic principles, such as loving Allah, loving the Prophet, putting their love above all else.
  10. Help them develop and discover their talents and guide them towards the right way to develop those talents.

You can also read about: Do not negotiate with your child for money.

10 commandments to get my child in my side

How to get my teenager son in my side

In order to get my teenager son to your side, first you need to understand his psychological needs well, then build various bridges up for effective communication with him. It is also possible to work to enhance his self-confidence gradually by providing him with various skills, which contributes greatly to building his personality and self-image of himself.

Some effective steps to build a personality up for the teenager son

  1. Active listening: Listening to your son opens channels of communication. Avoid prejudice and try to understand his point of view first.
  2. Communicate effectively: Talk to them honestly about your feelings and experiences and set a positive example in dealing with challenges. Use positive and encouraging language.
  3. Encourage the interest in reading: motivate them to read books that suit their interests and enhance their personal development. Offer them books that might help to deal with adolescence issues.
  4. Stimulate participation in sports and artistic activities: Encouraging your child to practice sports or arts that contribute to the development of his skills and building self-confidence. Provide support and encouragement even if his skills are in their infancy.
  5. . Enhance social skills: Teach them effective communication and interpersonal skills. Support him in building healthy and sustainable relationships with pals.
  6.  Goal setting: Help your child set his personal and academic goals. Provide him with support in developing plans to achieve those goals.
  7. Abundant stimulating environment: Make home a supportive environment for positive growth and stay away from harmful behaviors. Provide clear structure and boundaries while making room for independence.
  8.  Life Skills Enhancement: Teach him problem-solving and decision-making skills. Provide him with opportunities to develop self-management and time control skills.
  9. Mental health awareness: Encourage them to understand the importance of self-care and attention to mental health. Encourage him to talk about his feelings and seek support if necessary.
  10. Supervise with caution: Be careful and follow their online and social media activities. Provide guidance and guidance on the safe use of technology.

Also you can apply for behavior modification by using jeras app from here.



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