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7 easy ways for teaching your child to pray

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Screenshot 2023-05-27 075938

7 easy ways for teaching your child to pray

Screenshot 2023-05-27 075938

Accustoming the child to prayer is one of the most beautiful and precious things that can be offered to him, because it strengthens within him the love of God and the preservation of prayers. The holy month of Ramadan is a great and wonderful opportunity to train and accustom the child to prayer, so we offer you wonderful and easy ways for that:

7 easy ways for teaching your child to pray

There are many ways for teaching how to pray to your child, but we will talk about the most easiest ways as they are fellow:

7 easy ways for teaching your child to pray

1- Be a role model for the child by praying in front of him, because children love to imitate their fathers and mothers.

2- Taking children to the mosque during prayer, especially at the age of five, while making sure to pray as soon as they hear the call to prayer.

3- Let the children pray with each other and teach each other as well.

4- Taking children to the mosque during prayer, especially at the age of five.

5- Tell him, let’s go and meet God and let him know that God Almighty sees us while we are standing.

6- Talk to your children about the biography of the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and how to follow his example and his Sunnah.

7- Children memorizing some verses of Quran, so that they can memorize them.        

You can also check out: Where do we pray?

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