غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


Difficulties of memorizing Quran and methods of treatment


Difficulties of memorizing Quran and methods of treatment

Difficulties of memorizing the Qur'an and methods of treatment

Memorizing Quran is a dream of every pious Muslim because of its great goodness, but some people may find it difficult especially with old ones, so we will present to you in this article the most prominent Difficulties of memorizing Quran and methods of treatment.

Difficulties of memorizing Quran and methods of treatment

Despite the strong desire of many people to memorize Quran, but they may find it difficult because of their age, the more memorization at a young age, the easier comes the process and we will present to you the most prominent difficulties that some may face in memorizing Holy Quran and ways to treat and them.

1- Weak determination to memorize

Some memorizers when they approach the completion of Quran become apathetic and weak in vigor and this leads them to retreat in memorization and forget some of what they have memorized, which causes them frustration, sadness and despair.

You must seek the help of God and pray a lot that he helps you to review and memorize a second time, don’t forget and get the sincerity of intention to memorize.

Don’t overwhelm on yourself, so make a schedule to specify a certain amount of verses to memorize.

Memorizing slower and lasting with no forgetfulness is much better than memorizing faster and forgetting easier.

2- Forgetting what you did memorize

The biggest problem facing those who wants to memorize Quran is forgetting the verses that they have memorized.

This problem can be solved by continuous and daily review of everything previously saved.

3- Lack of time’s organization

Difficulties of memorizing Quran and methods of treatment

One of the biggest problems that some people face is their inability to organize time.

Some may be under the illusion that memorizing Quran may distract them from work or study.

But this is a misconception, as Quran is the best aid to your practical and scientific life.

This problem can be solved by making a schedule for memorizing Quran and organizing your time, work and study.

You will notice the benefits of memorizing Quran in your life generally.

4- Lack of understanding the verses

Some verses may not be understood by their interpretation or meanings, that making them difficult to memorize.

This problem can be overcome using facilitated interpretation.

Also, some easy and short surahs may not be understood by the meanings of their words.

For example, the words of God Almighty: (Say I seek refuge in the Lord of the Falaq), the verse here seeks refuge with the Lord of the Falaq, which is God Almighty.

But what is falaq? Some may not know its meaning, the falaq means the morning.

Also, some stories of Quran or rulings can be used to understand them more correctly without distortion or interpretation.

5- Wrong recitation

One of the most frustrating problems facing many people, which afflicts them with despair and sadness also it could lead to give up memorizing because of it.

This may arise due to lack of concentration or an attempt to imitate the voice of the reciters before the memorization is done and the intonation improved.

The solution to this problem lies in paying attention to the provisions of intonation, recitation and exits of letters and words.

Listen to Quran from a well-versed sheikh such as Al-Husari and join Quran memorization circles.

You can also read about: The easiest way to memorize Holy Quran using Jeras app.

Treatment of weak determination in memorizing Quran

  • Sincerity and Loyalty: Establish a pure and sincere intention to memorize Holy Quran and enhance communication with God.
  • Set a specific daily time: It could be fixed time in the day to memorize Quran, It can be early in the morning or before.
  • goals partition: Set small and concrete goals. Do not try to save large quantities at once. Splitting the goal makes the task more possible.
  • Repetition and revision: Repeat the verses you have memorized periodically and do continuous review to enhance benefit.
  • Listening and recitation: Listen to Quranic recitations to enhance comprehension and improve recitation.
  • Find help: Join a study group or find a study partner to support mutual motivation, you can hire an outstanding team of jeras app.
  • Learning gradually: Do not over study at first, starting with short periods and gradually increasing motivation.
  • Health care: Maintain your fitness and general health, as a healthy body positively affects the mind and determination.
  • Dua and Supplication: Ask Allah for help and supplicate to Him for giving you strength and vigor in the journey of memorizing Quran.
  • Supervision and guidance: Find a supervisor or Quran teacher who can provide the necessary supervision and guidance.

Staying motivated requires constant motivation and commitment, there are different methods that work best for different individuals, so you can adapt these tips to your circumstances and personal needs.

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