How to be a good family after the spread of many programs that offend different family teachings and values, which have nothing to do with education, hence our interface is to plant values and broadcast the right religious teachings to the child.
How could the family be righteous?
This is a question that arises and to answer it, the following tips are followed:
- Choosing well the wife, even if she is not of that goodness, then one of the duties of the householder is to strive to reform her and to make his house’s benefit before him and a place for the remembrance of God and to take care of the faith education of the family and to create a nucleus for an Islamic library in his home.
- Providing the opportunity for meetings to discuss family matters, not showing family differences in front of the children, not letting those whose religion does not please him into the house, Keeping the secrets of the houses and Observing and joking with the people of the house.
- Focusing on moral education and good ideals, for parents to be a good example for their children – respecting children through mutual respect, developing awareness, frankness and clarity – resisting bad morals at home – understanding the psychology of children by giving them confidence in themselves.
- Participation of children in carrying out social roles and useful work – Firmness in organizing sleep times and duties – Accuracy and observation of the conditions of the household – Evaluating women’s work outside the home.
- Constant encouragement, approval and praise for children, and even presenting gifts and encouragement rewards, as they presented noble deeds and success in their lives.
- Acceptance of diversity in children’s personal choices, such as choosing clothes and some hobbies, as long as there are no legal prohibitions.
- Not ridiculing and threatening permanent punishment for children when they fail in their studies or make mistakes unintentionally.
- Beautiful patience in raising children, enduring what happens from them of stubbornness or disobedience, and praying for their righteousness and success -Satisfying the child’s need for love and reassurance – Encouraging the child to inquire and ask questions. Family life is based on order – Providing the child with the opportunity to play.
- The teacher’s contact with the student’s guardian may help to achieve the moral goal.
- Taking care of the necessary repairs and providing amenities – taking care of the health of the household and appropriate safety measures – choosing the neighbor before the house – preventing smoking in the homes.
- Allocate a specific time to watch TV and sit at the computer – beware of non-mahram relatives entering the house when her husband is absent.
- Helping the family in the work of the house – for parents to recognize the individual differences between children, and for the family to set goals for their children that they can achieve in their lives
- And prevails in family’s atmosphere democracy and freedom that enables family members to express themselves, their ideas, and their needs without fear or hesitation.
You can also check out: The Art of raising children.
Why should we care about the language of our children?

Language is the basis of social life and it is one of its most important necessities because it is the means of communication between people, the means for man to express his needs, desires and feelings and his only tool in conducting his affairs of life, and for communicating with others.
Understanding them and exchanging opinions and ideas, his way to know their doctrines and means of influencing them and creating relationships and building bonds between them and achieving ways of cooperation and solidarity with them.
Hence, language is the way to provide protection and care for a person among the members of his group, and it is an important factor through which his benefits and desires are realized and facilitate the ways of his upbringing and facilitate his affairs with his family and community members.
Educators believe that this mixture can give a person various experiences and develop his various abilities and skills and the acquisition of these experiences and those skills increases as his language grows and develops and his relations with others increase in expansion and development and this is what makes the person more aware and aware and more capable of production and participation in achieving intellectual development.
And if the language has this importance in human life in general, then its development in the child in the pre-school stage, as educators decide, enables him to manage his life in the best possible way, because it helps him to form his world with all its dimensions and aspects, and enables him to identify the things around him. Language is closely related to the child’s thinking, intelligence and the development of his abilities.
The importance of language in a child’s life
Indeed, any delay in the child’s language directly affects his level of thinking and perception. Language is then of great benefit in increasing the ability of the child to control not only the environment in which he lives but also his motives, directions, and needs. A child has this stage. Hearing the words of others gives rise to thinking, thinking is an expression, and expression is usually in language, and the child’s communication with others helps him to switch from self-language to social language, and this depends on the child’s experiences and the opportunity that is available to him in the pre-school stage so that the language takes over here. An important place among the skills that the kindergarten seeks to enrich, especially his national language and the various values and concepts it contains.
Language performs several functions for the child, there is the social function, given that language is a tool of communication and understanding, and there is the mental function as a tool for forming concepts and attitudes. In the preschool stage, the child’s ability to communicate with others, integrate and adapt to others increases.

How was preschoolers so important in instilling values?
Therefore, the preschool stage constitutes one of the most important stages of human life, as the child is capable of development, change and formation.
A child of this stage spends most of his time, whether at home or kindergarten, in front of foreign and dubbed cartoons and series, admiring their heroes, immersed in sophistication by simulating their behaviors, gestures, and language to the point that his language is almost no different from their language, to repeat and repeat the phrases and words they utter with amazing speed and superior skill that depends on The love of the characters shown in these films and series.
Therefore the matter warns of a great danger, the danger of which does not depend only on the child at the present time, but also on the future of this generation that grows and grows in the arms of separate linguistic vocabulary that will weaken its communication with its mother tongue, as the child is affected In another language and culture that differs from his national language and culture, followed by being influenced by the ethics and trends of these languages from childhood.
the problem is further complicated by the fact that Arab production of films and cartoon series does not match foreign production and does not rise to face the huge and increasing amount of foreign production that fills the child’s need for suspense, excitement and fun, and from Then the attraction of the child in general and the pre-school child in particular to what fills his needs and satisfies his motives and tendencies, and often leaves the child without the slightest supervision and guidance while watching, because there is no linguistic and cultural guidance for an entire generation.
Rather, it makes it the first responsible for providing the child with various skills, including language skills, and for exploiting the superior linguistic fertility enjoyed by the child at this stage in the ability to repeat, and derive synonyms and antonyms, to achieve quality communication between the child and his national language and related cultural elements. A key to the nation’s values and culture and the title of its renaissance and progress.
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