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Educational mistakes committed on children


Educational mistakes committed on children

The educational mistakes committed with children

Proper and positive upbringing is not an easy task, as it requires hard work and directed care. During the journey of upbringing there are several educational mistakes committed on children. Parents may overlook them or they may pass unnoticed and they may think that these mistakes do not affect their children’s upbringing, but this is not true. In the following, we will learn about the most prominent mistakes that parents make, which negatively affect their relationship with their child and result in opposite outcomes.

Educational mistakes committed on children

there are several educational mistakes that parents make, we will try to identify some of them to avoid and they are as follows

Educational mistakes committed on children
  • Unjustified or unwarranted anger should not affect our relationship with children despite the pressures of life.
  • Neglecting the child’s feelings and being indifferent to them, such as talking in front of others about him wetting the bed at night to make them laugh without considering the child’s feelings.
  • Monitoring children 24 hours a day without any space for freedom.
  • Inspecting and spying on children in every little thing.
  • Hitting and violence is an uncivilized approach that does not please God and His Messenger and results in the opposite outcome.
  • Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Messenger of Allah never hit anything with his hand, nor a woman, nor a servant, except in jihad for the sake of Allah.”
  • Restricting the child’s freedom and interfering in all his affairs, such as his clothes and food, which makes him insecure and shaky.
  • But it’s better for the child to have his space of freedom and choice with remote parenting guidance.
  • Do not ask your child to achieve what you failed to do in your past and respect his desires.
  • Constantly criticizing children every day makes them insecure about themselves, their abilities, and their decisions.
  • Disorder in playing and not setting a specific time for children to play with electronic devices and others.
  • Children are attached to their friends from the age of 10 to 14, so avoid ridiculing or mocking your children’s friends.
  • Providing ready-made solutions for children without teaching them to think and rely on themselves.
  • The absence of household rules for food, studying, playing, and others, and the prevalence of chaos and randomness.
  • Uttering hurtful words to children such as “I hate you,” “you’re ugly,” “I’ll kill you,” “I’ll break your head,” and others, which cultivates feelings of hatred in the child.
  • Contradictions in upbringing, for example, when the child curses his parents, and they laugh, and when he curses others, they get angry, the child does not distinguish between the two.
  • Parents being preoccupied with other matters all the time is a bad thing, and a specific time should be allocated for children only.

You can also read about: Building up a child’s morals.

Finally, we have learned together about a group of educational mistakes that are committed with children in order to avoid them and not to do them. These mistakes result in opposite outcomes and do not yield the fruits of successful upbringing, and they raise a dependent and insecure generation that is jealous and hates life.

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