غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


The Qur’an includes things that people have recently noticed


The Qur’an includes things that people have recently noticed

آداب قراءة القرآن

The issue of the Qur’an’s inclusion of things that people have recently alerted to, for example, It is He who made the sun shining and the moon a light [Surat Yunus: 5]. And that the moon is a cold body, unlike the sun, which is a flaming body, and why did he say about the sun: light, and about the moon: light, and that light has heat in addition to illumination, but the light is illumination with coldness, there is no heat; Because the moon is a body that reflects, and the sun is a body that generates, so the body generates scorching heat, unlike the cold surface of the moon.

And We sent the fertilizing winds [Al-Hijr:22], so people were alerted that the winds carry pollen grains.

And We made from water every living thing [Surat Al-Anbiya: 30], thus alerting humans that every living organism has a certain percentage of water and the reactions that occur in the organism’s body need water, and if the water decreases below a certain limit, the organism dies.

Likewise, O people, if you are in doubt about the resurrection, then We created you from dust, then from a sperm, then from a clot, then from chewing. Created and uncreated, that we may show you [Al-Hajj: 5].

And God’s saying : So We made the embryo of bones, then clothed the bones with the flesh [Surah Al-Mu’minun: 14].

In medicine and anatomy, it is known that bones are not created except after chewing, and muscles are flesh, and muscles are not created except after bones are created. With lamps [Surah Al-Mulk: 5], He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in three darknesses [Surah Al-Zumar: 6], the darkness of the membrane in which is the lining of the uterus and the placental membrane, then the wall of the uterus, the second darkness, then the abdominal wall Third Darkness and so on.

The inclusion of the Qur’an in linguistic vocabulary that the Arabs did not know

There are structures that the Arabs did not originally know, and the people of knowledge collected them, and there are words in the Qur’an that the Arabs did not originally use.

So God made known to them that there are in their speech, in their language, words that they know for the first time.

Among the compositions, similes, and phrases, they put their hands in their mouths [Surat Ibrahim: 9] meaning that there is no Arab poet who used them in his poetry until the war lays down its burdens [Muhammad: 4], and the heavy burdens, so he likened the end of the fighting to the laying of a load of his belongings.

And reconcile between you [Surat Al-Anfal: 1], Then We will certainly cut off from him the two ends [Surah Al-Haqqah: 46]. The Arabs did not express destruction by cutting off the two roots, and you ate the heritage with a hearty appetite [Surat Al-Fajr: 19], a day that makes children gray hairs [Al-Muzzammil: 17].

It means: from the horror, similar words or expressions, for example, were not among the Arabs.

I conclude my words; Because the Qur’an never ceases its wonders, so no matter how much we search, we will find more and more and more.

The inclusion of the Qur’an in great contemporary events

So I conclude this with you that among the wonders of the Qur’an that I see, and God knows best at this time in which we live now, this year specifically or in this year 1432, the year 1432 witnessed great events.

These great events are among the wonders of the Qur’an. You see the event taking place, and if you search in the Book of God, you will find the verses revealed to it.

Example: Divine Sunnahs, meaning the year of respite and luring, the year of victory, the year of scum, and we find the year of change, the year of deliberation.

There are Sunnahs mentioned in the Qur’an, and you find the verse fulfilled in front of you in reality, so you find, for example, the Sunnah of destroying the wrongdoers that you see happening in front of you, the Sunnah of Allah mentioned in the verses to destroy the wrongdoers occurs in reality.

And when the cameras bring pictures of what the wrongdoers left of palaces, crops, swimming pools, furniture, feathers, clothing, boats, ornaments, and so on, you will find astonishment. Because now, when you contemplate the death of a tyrant and what he left behind, from what came from the cameras’ lenses and was shown in clips, channels, and on the networks, circulated on mobile screens, you wonder, I mean, if one had memorized the Qur’an and was imprinted in himself, the verse would come out like this automatically with the scene, you see the scene This is how it comes out: How many gardens and springs they left behind, crops, an honorable abode, and a blessing in which they were fruits. Khareen [Surat Al-Dukhan: 25-28].

When you witness the death of a tyrant, the roots of the unjust people are cut off, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds [Surah Al-An’am: 45].

When you contemplate the tyrant and he flees from place to place clinging to the presidency until his last breath, he does not surrender it, nor give it up, but rather it is stripped from him and taken by force and plunder. dominion whomever you wish [ Surah Al-Imran: 26].

When you see the death and the corpse remaining for a while, what you have only to make your mind jump to the Almighty’s saying: Today we will save you with your body so that it will be a sign for those who come after you [Surah Yunus: 92].

When you contemplate the end of injustice, even if it has lasted for more than forty years, you have no choice but to read the Almighty’s saying: And do not think that God is heedless of what the wrongdoers do [Surat Ibrahim: 42] and the hadith of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, springs to your mind: God will dictate to the wrongdoer so that if he seizes him, he will not let him go.[ 20].

Verses must spring to your mind, and those who wished for his place yesterday began to say as if God extends the provision for whomever He wills of His servants and limits it. Were it not for God’s favor upon us, He would have swallowed us, and it is as if the unbelievers would not succeed [Surah Al-Qasas: 82].

When you witness the deliberations and transitions now, your mind must go to the contemplation of the Almighty’s saying: And those days We circulate them among the people [Surat Al-Imran: 140]. They have something better for themselves. He said: We only grant them respite so that they may add to their sin.” [Surah Al-Imran: 178].

They reach the limit of oppression that God takes with them, and he has this particular oppressor.

If it reaches this limit of oppression, killing this number, raping this number, making this number homeless, and wounding this number, then the seizure will come.

One of the wonders of the Qur’an is that now with the succession of events in the world, something imposes itself. The verses come upon reality as if they were revealed for this event. You read about the global financial crisis. The world is now, so they were warned of a war from God and His Messenger [Al-Baqara: 279], in usury.

Contemplating the reality, you see the verse as if it was descending upon them, a war from God.

This is one of the wonders of the Qur’an, that it is valid for all times, and that the verses are revealed as if they were now.

This is one of the most amazing wonders of the Qur’an, and may God’s blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and companions.



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