A question like this may comes as a shock to someone has even a trace of compassion in their heart. A mother might be surprised when her child asks her, Why do you hate me mother?. Indeed, there are actions come from a mother that can only be understood as harboring a deep-rooted hatred towards her son or daughter. So why do you engage in such behavior? Is it due to past psychological issues you have faced or do you truly hate your own child? Why did you even bring them into this world if that’s the case.
Why do you hate me mother?
I had a cheerful, kind-hearted friend who always had a smiling face. He loved everyone, helped others, and never hesitated to lend a hand. However, despite his loud laughter, I felt that there was something inside him, a lump in his heart that refused to come out.
I noticed that he would often come to my house and engage in conversations with my mother. When he left, he would pray for her. I found these behaviors puzzling because he seemed to enjoy being with her more than me. He would always repeat, “You’re lucky to have your mother.”
Knowing that my friend’s mother was still alive, curiosity sneaked into me, and I asked him why. He burst into tears and said, “You have a mother who loves you, but my mother doesn’t love me, i have never felt that she loved me since my childhood until now”.
I don’t know what it feels like when a mother loves her child, i don’t know the taste of embrace, comfort, and love.
And I have been deprived of all of this, although my mother is still alive. I search for them among the mothers of my friends, seeking for experiencing moments of that love, even if it’s fake.

Why do you hate me mother?
? Why does my mother hate me
How does thinking reach this point with a young man or woman? Why do they search for love outside? Is it possible for someone to have a mother and still be deprived of her? And who is responsible for this negative feeling and emotional drift ? Undoubtedly, the mother is the primary cause of everything. Every action you take towards your son plants behaviors and feelings that cannot be erased by time or years.
Fear God when it comes to your child, you claim to be virtuous. Don’t say that you are an excellent care giver while being ignorant of the basic principles of upbringing. Don’t expect love and tenderness from him while claiming to be his mother, yet you don’t understand the meaning of motherhood.
Whatever deeds and crimes you committed against his childhood have made him a miserable, fragile, and weak individual to this extent. You have caused a destructed young man and destructed future generations because of the recklessness of your actions.
Don’t expect love from him unless you have shown it to him. Don’t expect warmth from him unless you have provided it first. And don’t expect appreciation and fear for your sake because he has never felt afraid for you. Please, don’t blame him and accuse him because you are the cause of everything.
My mother hurts me psychologically
.Feeling a psychological pain which produced by the behaviors of mother, may be a sad and painful experience for kids
.Mother is a someone who has huge discharges for upbringing kids and that may effects massively on their psychological case
.Pain might be produced by cruel words or negative behaviors which let kids feel insulted or emotional unsettled down
It’s necessary to speak up frankly about these stuff with mother and search for solutions to improve communication and mutual understanding
In parallel with that, we can resort to a specialized psychological support, help out to understand, treat the psychological pain and improve the relationship of motherhood
Tips for neglectful mothers
Let me tell you that everything your child does and feels is a result of her actions towards him. Be extremely cautious in your interactions with all your children. Here are some tips to ensure that you don’t lose any of your children:
- Make your son and daughter feel your love towards them, whether through kind words, whispers, kisses, and hugs. Don’t hold back your emotions towards them.
- Your son has no relation with what happens to you in the outside society or the pressures you’re facing.
- Your daughter has no relation with your problems with her father, so don’t seek revenge from her.
- Your son didn’t choose his appearance, so don’t punish him for it. Don’t show more love to his brother just because he’s more handsome or even academically superior.
- Your social problems with your husband, boss at work, or your mother have no relation with your children, so don’t vent your anger on them.
- Discipline them according to their mistakes with constructive punishment, not humiliation, revenge, or venting anger.
- Don’t differentiate in your treatment between them, even a simple kiss should be equal for all. Don’t sow hatred and resentment among siblings and then cry and complain.
- Provide them with care and attention; it is your duty, not a favor from you.
Why do you hate me mother?! It’s a huge disaster when a kid feels like that or even says it , plus it’s worse when he grew up with this scary feeling inside him. How will he live and walk along with it. You should know (god bless you) that your kids are a fidelity in your hands keep them safe until Allah retrieves them. Don’t contaminate their hearts with hate and grudge. Don’t distort their souls with sadness and frustration. Be the source of happiness and safety for them