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Do not negotiate with your child for money
Many parents resort to negotiate with their children for money without realizing the danger of this step on both educational and financial levels. As an honest advisor, I present this

7reasons for a child’s happiness
Our children are the pearls of our eyes, the smile of our lives and their happiness is our most important wish. Here are 7 reasons for a child’s happiness, as

Law of the tree for raising children
Looking at the story named( the Tree of Adam and Eve), we can extract the “Law of the tree for raising children. It is mentioned as the first story in Quran, in

10 Steps to make your Daughter love Hijab
Hijab is a religious obligation imposed by Allah, but many parents make a grave mistake by forcing their daughters to wear it through violence and yelling. Therefore, we present to you

Causes of Falah in life and Hereafter
Falah in life and the hereafter is one of the keys to happiness that everyone seeks. We will learn about the causes of Falah in life and hereafter that every

The concept of upbringing in Islam
The upbringing has a deep concept in Islam, as it is not limited to just food and drink. The concept of upbringing in Islam is broader and more comprehensive than