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Do not negotiate with your child for money

Screenshot 2023-05-27 075938


Screenshot 2023-05-27 075938

Do not negotiate with your child for money

Screenshot 2023-05-27 075938

Many parents resort to negotiate with their children for money without realizing the danger of this step on both educational and financial levels. As an honest advisor, I present this article advising you not to negotiate with your child using money and destroy all the roots of right education that you have built due to this wrong behavior. We will summarize for you the risks of using money as a negotiating tool with children.

Do not negotiate with your child for money

There are many reasons and negative consequences that affect child upbringing as a result of negotiating with them using money, and these are what prompted me to write this article. I will summarize these reasons for you as follows:

Duties must be performed for their importance

Performing prayer, cleaning the child’s room, or completing homework are all necessary tasks that the child should do without giving him money.

However, moral incentives for encouragement, motivation and showing joy to the child can be offered.

But if we link these necessary duties to money, it may lead the child to neglect these tasks if money is not provided.

A motivation for deception

The child may resort to many tricks to deceive their parents in order to get money.

They may claim to be sick or not have enough time to do something, but they may do it if they receive money.

Parents may be forced to give the child money in exchange for completing necessary duties that the child should be doing without being paid.

Instilling wrong financial concepts

The child grows up with many wrong concepts, as they raised up with a principle that they will get money when they do their duties.

This duty will become a burden on them later and they will not do it without money, as well as voluntary, additional work, and helping their siblings.

They will be raised up with a materialistic upbringing devoid of any emotions.

If they receive money for their necessary duties, how can you ask them to help an elderly man or their siblings or do anything else without money?

It is difficult to stop providing the child with money

Do not negotiate with your child for money

There is a famous saying that says:” Education at a young age is like engraving on stone”.

If you get used to give money for your children for everything they do, then what will happen when you have run out of money or it is not available?

Will you teach them the legitimate ways to get money then, after it’s too late?

You can also read: 10 commandments to get your in your side

Performing tasks out of love for parents

The child should do their duties out of love for their parents and full conviction in everything they say.

If you cannot convince your child when they are young, how will you convince them when they grow up?

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