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Law of the tree for raising children

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Law of the tree for raising children

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Looking at the story named( the Tree of Adam and Eve), we can extract the “Law of the tree for raising children. It is mentioned as the first story in Quran, in the longest chapter, Surat Al-Baqarah, and it has a great educational purpose and meaning. It is one of the greatest stories in the history of humanity as a whole, as it is the first family and marital story, the first sin, the first repentance and the first social activity in which the couple participated together. The “Law of the Tree” is the first disciplinary and educational law for human beings. So, what is the Law of the Tree and how can we use it in raising our children? We will learn about this in the following.

Law of the tree for raising children

To answer the question of what the Law of the Tree is and how we can benefit from it in raising our children, we will present ten educational benefits of this law that can be applied and utilized. These benefits will answer what the Law of the Tree is, and some of these benefits include:

First: Clarity and Guidance

In the story of the Tree, Allah’s command to Adam was clear and explicit.

Allah said, “We said, ‘O Adam, Live, you and your wife in Paradise and eat therefrom wherever you will. But do not approach this tree.'”

The command is clear not to approach or eat from the Tree.

Second: Providing Alternatives when Prohibiting

When Allah prohibited Adam and Eve from the Tree, He provided them with alternatives in all of Paradise.

Allah said, “And eat from wherever you will in Paradise, but do not approach this tree.”

Meaning, they could enjoy all the fruits and trees in Paradise, but only one thing was prohibited, while there were many alternatives.

Third: Calm Dialogue with the Wrongdoer

A calm dialogue that does not involve violence or anger is one of the greatest rules of upbringing. It involves talking with the wrongdoer about their mistake.

Allah said, “And their Lord called to them, ‘Did I not forbid you from that tree and tell you that Satan is a clear enemy to you?'”

Fourth: Giving the Wrongdoer a Chance to Apologize

One of the goals of positive upbringing that we see clearly in the Law of the Tree is giving a chance to apologize. Allah gave Adam and Eve a chance to apologize for their mistake.

They said, “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.”

Fifth: Listening to the Apology and Accepting It

It is not enough to just allow the apology, but it should also be accepted if the wrongdoer admits their mistake.

Allah said, “Then Adam received from his Lord some words and He accepted his repentance. Indeed, He is the Accepting of repentance and the Merciful.”

So, Adam admitted his mistake and did not blame the devil, taking full responsibility, and Allah accepted his apology. He chose him and guided him.

Sixth: Understanding the Reasons for committing a Mistake

Usually, humans make mistakes due to the temptation of Satan or forgetting the Allah’s command.

Satan took advantage of Adam and Eve’s desire to stay and live forever and tempted them to eat from the Tree.

Allah said, “Then Satan whispered to him; he said, ‘O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession that will not deteriorate?'”

They forgot the command of their Allah and fell prey to the plot and deception of Satan.

Seventh: Discipline

After the wrongdoer apologizes, admits their mistake, their apology been accepted and understands the reasons that led them to their mistake, the discipline phase comes.

Allah said, “Get down, both of you from it as there shall not come to you guidance from Me.”

Eighth: Talking about the Future

After making a mistake and completing the educational process, we talk with the wrongdoer about the future and clarify some things.

Allah spoke to Adam and Eve about His worship and obedience , that Satan is their enemy and should be cautious of him.

Allah said, “Some of you to others are enemies. So if there comes to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance will neither go astray in the world nor suffer in the Hereafter.”

And Allah explained their future on earth, saying, “And We said, ‘Go down both of you, some of you to others are enemies, and on earth will be your place of settlement and provision for a time.”

Ninth: Learning the Skill of Dealing with False Propaganda

This is because Satan used the trick of false propaganda and made their action look attractive and they only discovered the evil of what they had done afterward.

Satan manipulated their desires and minds and made their action look attractive, but their wrongdoing became apparent later.

Tenth: Knowing Oneself and Learning from Experiences

There are many lessons to be learned from this story, including:

Knowing the oneself, as Adam realized that the self tends to incline towards desires.

He also learned that not every creature is good and truthful, as Allah said, “And he (Satan) swore [by Allah] to them, ‘Indeed, I am to you from among the sincere advisors.'”

Thus, Satan swore to Adam and Eve that he was a sincere and trustworthy advisor to them.

This is the law of the Tree that we can invest in raising our children with a righteous, sound, and uncomplicated upbringing. Do not punish your child before ensuring and having a discussion with them about the mistake they made. Be wise in your actions and punishment, and do not use violence or anger.

You can also read: the art of raising children

What is the art of raising and educating children called?

The art of raising and educating children is referred to as “the art of education” and it reflects a comprehensive understanding of the educational process as a whole.

There is a difference between education and care for children, the concept of education is more comprehensive and general, as it includes many aspects, including: the development of values and morals, stimulating creative thinking and mental learning, and developing social skills.

 As for care and attention, it can crystallize in providing the basic needs of the child of food, clothing and housing.

Law of the tree for raising children

jeras app provides the role of the narrator in Islamic history through interactive paths between the teacher and the child, including teaching the scientific method and educational experience of the values and principles necessary for all age groups separately. Download jeras app from here



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