غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


Saving children’s rights


Saving children’s rights

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Saving children’s rights is one of the main goals sought by educators, after interpreting and following the right teachings of religion that generated different values and concepts.

Saving children’s rights

There is no doubt that the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) was perfected by Allah Almighty in character and morals and from that is the great morals with children and his care for them. So we summarize this in points:

  • First: His humility with them by greeting them and joking with them, as he joked a brother of Anas called Abu Umair, whose bird flew to him, the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) found him sad, so he said to him caressingly: “O Abu Umair, what did the the little bird do?”
  • Likewise, praying for them and wiping their heads and cheeks is evidence of His kindness for them. (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him).
  • Second: is the keenness to teach them faith and instill it in their souls to establish the protection of God’s religion in their hearts and deeds.
  • He said to bin Abbas (may God be pleased with them both): “Oh boy, take care, may Allah protect you, keep Allah, you will find it toward you. If you seek help, seek help from Allah and if you ask, ask Allah.”
  • Third: Encouraging them to follow great manners and virtuous morals: From that is what he taught one of them when he said at the meal: “Oh boy, name Allah, eat with your right hand and eat of what is next to you.”
  • Fourth: respecting them and preserving their rights, when a drink was brought to the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) he drank from it, on his right was a boy and on his left were the sheikhs he asked the child “May you let me give it those people?” . Look at this permission, which indicates respect, humility and saving rights. With these good morals and good dealings, if we adhere to them, a generation will come out that cling to the prophetic guidance preserve his religion and love Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) was a great teacher.

A healthy leadership generation

Our Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) was keen during his gentle dealings with children and respected their souls and, his eager to communicate with best concepts to them by the simplest and most correct means and he didn’t abuse them. One of the children told us about his situation with prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) his name is Abdullah bin, he said: “My mother invited me while the Messenger of Allah, may (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) was sitting in our house and she said: “Come, I will give it to you”. The prophet asked: “What do you want to give him?” She replied: “Give him a date”. He said to her: “If you had not given him anything, it would have written a lie against you.”

He warned her not to lie to the boy or underestimate his feelings, even if she said to him come and i’ll give you something, then won’t do it.

Also he used to play with children even in his streets. Ya’la bin Murra said: “I went out with the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and Al-Hussein bin Ali was playing on the road, the Prophet hurried in front of people, then he spread his hands to take him, so the boy started fleeing here and fleeing there the Messenger of Allah pursued him and made him laugh. He used to take Osama bin Zaid and Al-Hassan bin Ali and sit them on his thigh each on one side, then he would hug them and say: “O God, have mercy on them, I have mercy on them.”

Even during the moments of prayer, Umama daughter of his daughter Zainab came to him and was carried by him during his prayers.

And when he (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) saw children that require correction and adjustment he dealt with them gently without reprimand or screaming. May God bless him and grant him peace, gentleness, and kindness. This education was the reason for producing a leadership generation capable of acting in crises, managing battles and achieving victories.

You can also read about: The Art of raising children according to Islamic religion.

How does a child become a role model for educators?

Saving children’s rights

The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) went a long way in his appreciation for children in a society that did not establish a weight for the young child, so one of them would sit on his right side and this makes him more deserving of precedence than the elders of people. He had a boy on his right side and men on his left, so he asked the boy: “Do you permit me to give these to you?” The boy replied: No, by God, I would prefer to share mine to anyone from you

Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) was taking into account both matters. He respected the right of the child and sought his permission, respected the rights of the adults, he asked the young child to concede to them. When he insisted on his position, Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and his family did not admonish him or scold him, but rather gave him his right.

He also tried to raise children through his teachings and behavior on the meanings of masculinity and virility from an early age, so he used to give children gradual doses of those meanings through scattered and dispersed situations, so he might sit some boys such as Abdullah bin Abbas and Abdullah bin Omar in his council with his companions to learn, Abdullah bin Omar said: “We were with the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon you) and he brought a pebble, he said: From the trees, there is a tree like that of a Muslim”.

And Abdullah bin Abbas was a young boy who was riding behind him on his mount, learned great meanings in simple understandable words, so he said to him: “Oh boy, know Allah may Allah protect you…” to the end of the hadeeth.

This upbringing had a great impact on the upbringing of this generation that led the entire world and Allah wrote victory and empowerment on his hands.

As for what some people dealing with young boys and girls, where they treat them with harshness and severity, if they enter the gathering, they rebuke them and say “Go away.” Perhaps they got up in fear of gathering as if they had been stung, to carry them and keep them away from the gathering, we said, wait until this happens and perhaps some of those present will like to hear the commotion and the possible words from such children. Interest was an example and a role model for educators, so all educators needed to put the fragrant biography of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in the upbringing of their generations, and God is the conciliator.

How to give confidence to children?

A contradiction that results from the parent’s desire to give them self-confidence while insisting on following their point of view.

Parents sometimes do the opposite of what they say in building their children’s personalities: we try to enhance their independence and our word must be heard.

Our children must have an independent personality that stems from their self-confidence, it is something that we all wish for and always repeat in front of them, but we often do what does not enhance this situation for them, but we also practice the opposite of what can achieve independence in their personalities and self-confidence.

Perhaps the parents are the main element in that, they have the responsibility for the upbringing in which their children are brought up according to the method of education and the method of dealing with them from childhood because sometimes we think that following the strictness that imposing our opinion on them in a repressive manner is the correct way. After all, we are parents and our word must be heard without realizing that this A child is born with a weak and incoherent personality.

It’s pointed out that many parents today do not deal with their children in a repressive manner, but this does not mean that the element of monitoring and follow-up is always absent, because it is necessary to know what the child does to correct the imbalance if it occurs in his behavior so that the error does not become a habit for him without follow-up or correction.

There is no doubt that children need guidance and education, but not harshness, rigor and the abolition of their personality as if they have to obey blindly. Rather, the guidance takes place through exchanging opinions and using the element of persuasion in dealing with the child and providing reasons, causes and results for every inappropriate thing he wishes to do.

There is no doubt that the childhood stage is one of the most important stages of human development and it is in which the child’s personality is refined through parents’ knowledge of the correct education methods that produce a child who is fully prepared for adolescence, which is usually entirely linked to the childhood stage in terms of good behavior or good behavior. or his self-confidence.

Through this act, he makes the son dependent and confident in himself, because by doing so he learned to express his opinion and exercise choice and at the same time he learned discipline and resistance to his desires.

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