Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him)

غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان


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Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him)

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Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him)

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We will introduce to you my dear children the story of our master Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) and his upbringing from the beginning, after Ibrahim and Ismail (peace be upon them) built the Kaaba, our master Ismail lived next to it and , soon people gathered around the Kaaba and a large city was named (Mecca), then people worshiped the one and only Allah on the religion of Ibrahim and Ismail, but over the time people deviated from their religion and turned into idolatry that surrounded the Kaaba, they used to do forbidden things and drunk wine, enslaved the weak and poor, and the strong among them ate the right of the weak.

Who is the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him)

After people deviated from their religion, Allah wanted to guide the people of Mecca and the whole world to the straight path after they had deviated from it.

So that happened The birth of Muhammad who was born in the house of Abd al-Muttalib the master of the Quraysh tribe that lived in Mecca.

He was born an orphan as his father Abdullah died before his birth, and his mother died when he was six years old.

Therefore, his grandfather Abd al- Muttalib loved him very much and got closer to him.

But when he was eight years old, his grandfather Abd al- Muttalib died, and he moved to live with his uncle Abu Talib.

The life of the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him)

The Prophet worked in sheep herding when he was young, and when he grew up he worked in trade.

Because of his deep honesty and integrity, he became famous for the title of honest and faithful.

He was chosen by sayida Khadija bint Khuwaylid to supervise her trade and she was one of the nobles of the Quraysh.

When he worked with her, the trade had increased by his hands and the credits went to Allah.

She loved him for his honesty, his integrity, his morals and his wisdom of mind so she asked to get married with him.

The Prophet got married her and had four daughters: Fatima al-Zahra, Zaynab, um Kulthum and Ruqayya.

Why did the prophet Muhammed go to cave Hira?

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to worship the religion of Ibrahim in a cave called the cave of Hira.

This cave was far away from Mecca, which was surrounded by darkness and taboos at that time.

Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) continued to worship Allah permanently and continuously away from the people of Mecca.

When he turned 40, one night a strong light surrounded him from all sides.

He raised his gaze to see Gabriel (peace be upon him) in front of him, one of the angels of Allah Almighty.

Gabriel said, “Read.”

The Prophet replied, “I am not a reader.”

Gabriel repeated what he had said three times and each time the Prophet responded the same.

Gabriel recited the first Surah al-Alaq to him: “Read in the name of your Most High Lord.”

Then he said: “O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of Allah, and I am the angel Gabriel.”

The private calling

(Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him

The Prophet kept secretly calling people to Islam for three years.

His wife, Sayyida Khadija, his friend Abu Bakr and his cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib believed in him.

Khadija was the first woman to believe, Abu Bakr was the first to believe among men, and Ali was the first to believe from boys.

People began to enter Islam secretly one by one.

The Prophet used to teach them the Qur’an and his words were the most beautiful words.

He taught them that idols do no good or harm and that there is only one God, the Creator of the universes and the Creator of everything.

And Allah is the one and only of all the previous prophets and massengers.

God does not differentiate between anyone, the poor and the rich, the slave and the master, all people are equal.

He also taught them respect parents, compassion for the poor and needy and mercy be on women and children.

And that everyone will be held accountable for his actions in the hereafter, therefore man must always do good.

But Quraysh did not accept this and rejected Islam, fearing for their position among the tribes and their money.

The matter did not stop there, but Quraysh mocked the call of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

.Check out also: how we can establish the love of prophet Muhammed in children’s hearts

Continue to advocate

Despite this, the Prophet continued to call people to worship Allah.

He did not only invite Quraysh, but he also invited all the cities, villages and other tribes around Quraysh.

At that time, Quraysh decided to torture all those who followed the religion of Muhammad and all those who believed in it.

The torment was severe and the abuse was beyond bearing.

But was patient who believed and maintained his religion was patient despite the severity and cruelty of the torture.

Migration to Yathrib

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) decided to migrate to Yathrib.

This was after the torment intensified against Muslims and he ordered them to secretly sneak out of Mecca so that the infidels would not oppress them.

Most of Muslims migrated to Yathrib and when the Prophet was assured of the departure of Muslims, he migrated with Abu Bakr to Yathrib after them.

The disbelievers tried to track down the Prophet , he and Abu Bakr hid in a cave called Ghar Thor and the disbelievers could not reach them.

The Prophet arrived in Yathrib and was received warmly by its people.

Prophet began to establish the Islamic State, constructed a mosque for Allah and he established brotherhood among the Muhajireen and the Ansar.

Everyone lived in peace and the call to prayer risen up for the first time with Bilal bin Rabah’s voice shouting “Allah Akbar”.

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