غرس القيم الدينية والتربوية وبناء الإنسان

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Children rights before delaviry

Instilling values and their impact on building up a good person

Many moral values are spread in societies, especially the Islamic community, which must be instilled within children in order to become normal people who can be relied upon in society and they are honest, honesty and cleanliness, it may seem easy, but in fact it is a complex matter full of difficulties and challenges so […]

Instilling values and their impact on building up a good person Read More »

فروض وسنن الوضوء للطفل

Duties and Sunnahs of ablution for Muslim child

We will get acquainted together, my loved ones about the duties and sunnahs of ablution for Muslim child, as there is a set of duties that must be performed during ablution and not to discard one of them, there are desirable sunnahs and some nullifiers that we will learn about. Description of ablution It was

Duties and Sunnahs of ablution for Muslim child Read More »

Muslim child’s jurisprudence .. The door of purity

Purity is cleanliness from dirt and germs, it is the process of beautifying the appearance and body, we will get to know Muslim child’s jurisprudence.. The door of purity and all the pillars related to it, why we purify and how, we will present to you a comprehensive, brief and integrated encyclopedia of purity for

Muslim child’s jurisprudence .. The door of purity Read More »

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